Unveiling the Mechanism Behind Hair Transplants

How Does a Hair Transplant Work

Hair transplant surgery takes hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back or sides of the scalp, and implants them where hair is thinning or balding. This process restores natural growth and enhances the recipient’s hairline for a more appealing look.

The main goal is to improve natural hair growth and enhance the recipient’s hairline. So, how does a hair transplant work? Let’s delve into the details in this article.

How do you know if your hairline is receding?

Let us talk first about some reasons for hair fall. The first sign of a receding hairline is a widening of the forehead. This is usually accompanied by hair loss in the crown area, which gives the appearance of a large forehead.

Common Causes of Hairline Receding

Common Causes of Hairline Receding vd2232

As we age, the body produces less testosterone, a hormone that controls hair growth and loss. This hormonal shift is a key factor in the aging process affecting hairlines.

  • Hormonal Changes:

Changes in hormones during pregnancy or while using birth control pills can affect hairlines. Menopause, with its hormonal shifts, may also contribute to receding hairlines in some women.

  • Family History:

Genetics plays a significant role. If your parents had a receding hairline, you are more likely to as well. This condition tends to run in families and is more common in men.

Medications or Treatments:

Certain medications and treatments can cause or worsen hair loss, including chemotherapy drugs, steroids, and radiation.

  • Illness or Stress:

A receding hairline can indicate illness or stress. Stress can cause hair loss, especially in those with fine hair. Increased testosterone from stress can lead to facial hair growth but also male-pattern baldness.

  • Lifestyle Choices:

Unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use can cause early-onset male pattern baldness.

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how does a hair transplant work

Hair transplant surgery typically includes these steps:

Prepare the Donor Area:

Surgeons identify and prepare a section on the patient’s scalp for extracting hair follicles. This area, often at the back or sides, has genetically resistant hair follicles. 

Before extraction, the donor area is trimmed or shaved for a clear surgical field, minimizing scarring and damage to surrounding hair follicles.

Harvest Donor Hair:

Obtaining donor hair is crucial, and it can be done through Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 

DHI Hair Transplant Istanbul, a non-invasive method, involves precise extraction and quick recovery. FUE individually extracts follicles using a small punch tool, resulting in less noticeable scars. 

The choice between FUT and FUE depends on factors like hair characteristics, desired outcome, and surgeon expertise.

Prepare the Follicles:

After harvesting, hair follicles are inspected and sorted under a microscope for quality. Cleaning removes excess tissue and oils, ensuring viability. Grouping or isolating follicles mimics natural growth patterns. 

If there’s a delay before transplantation, the follicles may be temporarily stored at specific temperatures.

Prepare the Recipient Area:

Clean and sterilize the area where transplanted follicles will go. Local anesthesia is given for patient comfort. Surgeons create tiny incisions and plan graft placement for a natural look. 

Carefully organized grafts ensure an aesthetically pleasing hairline and overall density. During insertion, surgeons take special care not to damage existing follicles or cause scalp trauma.

Read Also: DHI vs FUE Density

Best Surgeons In Turkey At Affordable Prices

Packages include medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

How does a beard transplant work?

How does a beard transplant work vc

A beard transplant is a surgery where hair follicles are moved to areas with sparse facial hair, similar to a traditional hair transplant. Here’s a simplified explanation:

  1. Consultation: Start with a talk with a specialized surgeon. They check facial hair, discuss expectations, and decide if the procedure works.
  2. Donor Area Selection: Harvest hair from the scalp’s back or sides, chosen for resisting balding and growing thick, healthy hair.
  3. Extraction of Hair Follicles: Surgeons use FUE Turkey to extract individual hair follicles, carefully removing units with one to four hairs and minimal scarring.
  4. Preparation of Grafts: Prepare harvested hair follicles for transplantation, ensuring right-sized grafts with viable hair.
  5. Recipient Site Preparation: Before graft implantation, prepare the face’s recipient site. Make tiny incisions in areas needing more hair.
  6. Graft Implantation: Meticulously implant prepared grafts into recipient sites, considering hair growth angle for a natural look.

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How long does a hair transplant take to work

Results of a hair transplant differ among individuals, but you’ll likely observe the first signs of improvement within a few months. 

During the initial three to four months, the transplanted hair may shed, which is a normal part of the process. 

New hair growth typically commences around the fourth month, with noticeable improvements in the subsequent months. 

However, it may take a year or more for the full effects of the hair transplant to become apparent as the hair continues to grow and mature. 

Maintaining patience is crucial, and following post-operative care instructions is essential for optimal results.

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Hair Transplant Recovery

Hair Transplant Recovery how long does a hair transplant take to work

DHI and FUE procedures take several hours and happen over multiple visits for a complete hair transplant. FUE procedures are quicker due to shorter recovery periods.

1 Month After Hair Transplant, the surgeon removes bandages to check swelling and may use triamcinolone to control it. Soreness and pain may occur in treated and donor areas. 

Prescribed medications include pain relief, antibiotics for infection prevention, and anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling. Hair growth-promoting medications might also be suggested.

Patients usually return to work in 2 or 3 days. It’s recommended to wait a few days before washing hair with mild shampoos. 

Gently brush without pressure on new grafts for at least 3 weeks. Check with your doctor about when it’s okay to wear hats or pullover shirts.

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To get the Best Turkish Hair Transplant results from a hair transplant, use reputable surgeons, seek doctor recommendations, and avoid questionable clinics. 

If you’re thinking about this treatment, thoroughly research your surgeon and decide if it’s right for you.

Contact Us Today

Lastly, if you need to know more about this procedure or have more questions about other procedures, we offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

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This article was Medically reviewed by SPC. Gamze Comert

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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