When Can I Cut My Hair After FUE? The Dos and Don’ts of FUE Hair Transplant

When Can I Cut My Hair After FUE new

Many people, particularly men, face severe hair loss and baldness issues. Many of them are even under 30, directly affecting their well-being and decreasing their trust in themselves.

If you have ever taken your hair for granted, think twice about those who lost the opportunity to style their hair how they want. And, if you are among those who suffer from baldness, you come across precious information that may save your hair. 

When can I cut my hair after FUE?

When can I cut my hair after FUE aa2024

Wait at least two months after your procedure before cutting your hair. The transplanted grafts are fragile and need time to heal properly. Cutting your hair too soon could damage them and reduce their success. In some cases, it may even cause them to fall out prematurely.

You can still wash and style your hair during this time, but be gentle and avoid brushing too vigorously or using excessive heat until it’s fully healed.

It’s crucial not to cut your hair until the grafts and scalp have healed. This lets you see how many grafts were successfully implanted and how thick they are when they grow out later.

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When will my hair start to grow again?

Your hair should start growing about three months after the procedure. Hair growth depends on factors like the number of transplanted follicles, your age, the follicle location, and graft density. For instance, if you had three thousand transplanted follicles and a dense FUE procedure, shedding may occur around six months after surgery.

May I comb my transplanted hair?

Yes, you can comb your dry hair but don’t wet the transplanted area. Use a wide-tooth comb, preferably in the morning when your hair is driest and easiest to manage. Start gently at the ends of your transplanted hair and work upwards to the roots, being careful not to tug on recently transplanted hairs.

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Things to Avoid After hair replacement for men Procedure

After your surgery, avoid:

  • Sun exposure: Your scalp will be sensitive to sunlight, so keep it covered with a hat or cap, like a baseball cap.
  • Swimming and physical activity: These activities could affect your wound or cause bleeding in the graft area.
  • Hair styling: Refrain from combing or brushing until the doctor removes the stitches, usually 3–5 weeks after surgery, depending on how quickly they heal without scabbing.
  • Blow drying: Avoid blowing hot air onto the grafts, as it can overheat and permanently damage them, reducing their chances of success after transplantation.

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What causes inflammation of hair follicles?

What causes inflammation of hair follicles a

Follicle inflammation is usually caused by infection or trauma, which can happen together if a graft is infected.

  • Infection:

The most common type of inflammation is folliculitis, often from bacterial or fungal infections. It can occur before, during, or after surgery or when cells from one person are transplanted into another, introducing bacteria.

  • Trauma:

Another cause is trauma during harvesting or implanting. Hair follicles’ roots contain blood vessels and nerves, which can be damaged if too much pressure is applied during surgery, like with scalpels. If not properly repaired, these areas may become inflamed soon after surgery, as there are only superficial layers between the skin and dermal tissue.

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How Many Grafts Are Needed for a Good Hair Restoration?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and transplanted to areas with baldness. It can also be done on other parts of the body with hair growth, like the beard or Eyebrow Hair Transplant.

The number of grafts needed for a good result depends on factors such as age, type of hair loss (male or female pattern baldness), and any scarring or skin conditions affecting the scalp’s appearance. Generally, 1,500 – 2,000 FUE grafts are needed to cover an average-sized bald patch on the head, but this can vary based on the extent of hair loss and other factors mentioned.

Can a Hair Transplant Cover the Whole Head?

Whether you can cover your whole head with transplanted hair depends on your donor density. Professionals may give different answers, but typically, the density of your donor area isn’t sufficient without using hair extensions. Your doctor can assess if it’s feasible for you. If extensions are necessary and you desire a full head of hair, don’t hesitate to proceed.

Antibiotics Use After Hair Transplantation

Antibiotics are given after the procedure to prevent infection. You’ll take them for two weeks as directed by your doctor. It’s crucial not to stop early, as this could cause an infection.

If you miss a dose or take the wrong antibiotic, contact your doctor right away. If an infection develops, seek medical attention promptly for an appropriate treatment plan.

How are fusion hair extensions applied?

Fusion hair extensions are applied by bonding them to your natural hair. Only the tips of your hair are removed, and new synthetic fibers are attached using a special adhesive applied to each strand.

The process takes about an hour and can be done in two ways: directly onto your scalp or with a micro-looping attachment point on top of your head. The first method offers more control over volume in specific areas but takes longer. The second method is more flexible but may not look as natural at first.

Neither technique requires anesthesia, but if you’re nervous about pain, speaking up beforehand can help prevent discomfort later.

Related Post: DHI vs FUE Hair Transplant

Trimming tips after a hair replacement for men

Trim your hair every three to four weeks once it starts growing after the transplant. Regular trims maintain the planned length.

Avoid cutting your hair until it reaches the desired length and shape. Premature cutting can result in uneven sections and a bumpy appearance. Wait until the transplant fully grows before using scissors or clippers near your scalp.

During this waiting period, use a comb instead of scissors or clippers to trim your newly transplanted hairline. Combs cause less damage, but be careful not to pull out any roots accidentally.

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What Is FUE Hair Transplantation?

What Is FUE Hair Transplantation When Can I Cut My Hair After FUE

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method for hair restoration. It uses a punch to remove single hair follicles from the donor area, ensuring they are healthy and will grow well in the new location.

FUE is an option instead of strip surgery, especially for large bald areas or when there are few follicles left in the donor region. It’s less invasive than other methods because it doesn’t require cutting or shaving the scalp beforehand. Instead, small punches directly extract individual hairs from their follicles, which is crucial for a natural look.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

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hair restoration Techniques

FUE is the most popular hair transplant technique. However, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) has been in use for decades.

FUT is still widely used because it’s efficient for treating extensive baldness. However, it leaves visible scars on the head and requires a longer recovery time due to its extensive nature.

The hair transplant procedure

In a hospital or clinic, the procedure begins with a local anesthetic to numb the area. The doctor first removes a strip of hair from the back of your head, containing about one hundred hairs, which are then relocated. Then, the doctor makes more incisions in other areas of your head, spaced about an inch apart, to transplant additional hairs. Special tweezers called “micro-beads” are used to extract these grafts, which are then transplanted into small holes at the recipient sites using special needles, usually six per site. The number of grafts needed depends on the extent of balding.

Expectations and Recovery

You’ll see the results of your surgery right away. Some patients might need a second procedure to fill in any remaining bald spots.

Your scalp may be slightly swollen for the first few weeks after surgery, and you might need pain medication. Your doctor will tell you how to care for your scalp while it heals.

You should be able to go back to your normal activities within a week of surgery, but it might take up to six months for your hair to fully regain its natural color and texture.

hair restoration Side Effects – What to Expect

Hair transplant side effects are common but can be treated with medication. These may include pain, swelling, bruising, and infection, which typically go away within 2 to 3 weeks after surgery.

Swelling in other areas, like your face or neck, might occur after surgery but is usually temporary and will disappear within a few weeks.

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Hair transplantation effectively treats baldness, improving your life and allowing you to enjoy your new hair. However, it’s crucial to avoid mistakes that could damage your scalp and result in graft loss. Following our advice is vital for successful outcomes.

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This article was Medically reviewed by SPC. Gamze Comert

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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