PRK Surgery: Your Complete Guide to Improving Your Eyesight 

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Welcome to PRK Surgery–an innovative new solution in vision correction! Suppose you’ve been searching for an effective yet safe solution to liberate yourself from glasses or contacts. In that case, PRK surgery is the right solution for you.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) has revolutionized lives through precision and success rates, as we will discover in this article. PRK is an exciting innovation that reshapes corneas to correct refractive errors like astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia.

Welcome freedom and forget visual limitations on this journey to unlock the secrets of PRK, an outstanding advancement in ophthalmology.

What Is PRK Surgery?

Photorefractive keratectomy, or PRK surgery, is a laser technique for treating patients with refractive errors like nearsightedness (Myopia), far-sightedness (Hyperopia), and blurry vision or distortion (Astigmatism).what is PRK

PRK Eye Surgery is specifically done for patients experiencing a refractive eye defect. In this condition, the eye fails to light appropriately.

The ultimate aim of laser eye surgery is to change the shape of the cornea to help improve the focus of light rays on the retina. 

Patients who successfully undergo Photorefractive Keratectomy surgery notice a drastic change and improvement in their vision. In addition, PRK treatment is likely to lessen the need to wear glasses or lenses. However, in some cases, it’s also likely might as well do away with the glasses or lenses daily.

Read also: LASIK Surgery.

Who is a candidate for photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)?

The suitable candidate should be 18 years old or older and have 

healthy eyes in general and especially healthy corneas.

You’re not likely to have PRK surgery if:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You have an illness that affects healing or have an allergy.
  • You have uncontrolled diabetes.
  • You have a cornea disease.
  • You have an eye infection, blepharitis, or dry eye syndrome.
  • You have advanced glaucoma.
  • You have scars on your eyes.

It is important to have realistic expectations about the PRK procedure. Also, the surgeon will discuss what to expect and not expect.

How do I prepare for PRK surgery?

Before laser eye surgery, you will consult an experienced specialist who will explain what you should expect before, during, and after the procedure. During the consultation, they will evaluate your medical history and test you’ll your eyes to measure the following:

  • The refractive error.
  • The cornea.
  • The pupil size.
  • The general situation of your eyes.

Then, you can schedule an appointment for the PRK surgery.

If you wear contact lenses, you will be recommended to stop wearing them at least two weeks before your procedure date.

On the surgery day, eat a light meal and take all the prescribed medications. Don’t put accessories in your hair, and don’t wear eye makeup. 

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing eye laser surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsAppor contact us by filling out the form.

What Does PRK Procedure involve?

The process involves some steps:

  1. The Nurse will Put drops in your eye to numb them. You might also be given some medication to relieve the pain and relax.PRK procedure
  2. The surgeon will remove the epithelium (the cornea’s outer layer) or the topmost layer of coronal tissue using a blade, brush, or laser.
  3. Any irregularities in your corneal tissue layers are fixed using an “excimer laser.” The best part about this tool is that it helps to work in the deeper layers of the cornea.
  4. Then, You will be given anti-inflammatory eye drops, steroid drops, and antibiotic drops.
  5. Lastly, the surgeon will put a bandage contact lens on the top of your cornea to reduce infuriation during recovery.

The PRK surgery procedure usually takes only about 10 to 15 minutes.

Read also: ICL eye surgery.

PRK Surgery in Turkey at the best prices

Packages include all medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

What Should I Expect During PRK Surgery Recovery?

Once the surgery is complete, you will have a bandage over your eye to help it heal. Here are some things you must keep in mind during the Photorefractive Keratectomy surgery recovery:

  • On the day of the surgery, ensure you have someone to accompany you to drive you back home. When you get home, make it a point to relax or nap.
  • You may experience some pain in your eye for about 2-3 days post-surgery. Always ask your ophthalmologist for prescription medicine or eye drops for relief. 
  • Ensure you use eye drops prescribed by your surgeon to help you heal and recover quickly from the surgery.
  • Suppose you want the surgery recovery to be quick. In that case, you must avoid all kinds of stressful activities as long as the surgeon recommends. You can also take leave from work for a couple of days per your doctor’s recommendation.
  • Wear dark sunglasses each time you step out of your home for as long as your doctor recommends. Otherwise, exposure to direct sunlight can harm your eyes, even triggering scarring and vision problems in the future.

Your road to recovery from corrective eye surgery will be gradual. For the first few days, you might experience blurry vision. But, once a few days are passed, you’ll notice your vision getting to its optimum level.

What Are The Risks And Possible Side Effects Of The PRK Procedure?

After the surgery, you may have:

  • Infection in the Cornea.
  • Scarring in the eye or cornea.
  • Experiencing glare in bright light.
  • Seeing a halo-like shape around light.
  • Experiencing corneal haze.
  • Slow healing.
  • Rarely, your eyes and vision may be undercorrected or overcorrected. In such cases, you always have the option to use lenses or glasses to improve your vision.

The PRK result is only partially expected due to variations in individual healing. However, a few patients may still require glasses or additional procedures to achieve the best vision.

How much does PRK Surgery Cost?

The cost of laser eye surgery, in general, can differ depending on the type of procedure, the Clinic or surgeon you choose, and the complexity of your vision prescription.PRK cost

PRK in Turkey is the most common vision repair procedure for many people who come to Turkey for eye surgeries.

Turkey is an excellent choice for PRK treatment due to the affordable price and the quality of medical service; in this regard, it is one of the best choices for you. 

PRK Surgery Cost in Turkey ranges between $1.500 to $3.500 for both eyes, which is the most affordable price compared to the other USA, UK, and European countries.

For instance, in the USA, laser eye surgery costs typically range from $2,000 to $3,000 per eye, while the PRK surgery cost in the UK ranges from £1,500 to £3,500 per eye.

At HayatMed Clinic, we offer all-inclusive packages for PRK in Turkey. Suppose you need more about this procedure or have questions about the PRK treatment price. In that case, we offer a free consultation on WhatsApp or contact us by filling out the form.

Read also: LASIK Eye Surgery Cost

Get In Touch Now!

Need help getting PRK surgery? We’re here to help you out. At HayatMed, we offer a one-in-all solution for your PRK surgery needs at competitive prices.

All you need to get your surgery done is to contact us and schedule an appointment. So, wait no more and contact us now!

PRK Surgery in Turkey at the best prices

Packages include all medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Frequently Asked Questions.

SmartSurfACE is a creative eye laser surgery technique that works without touching the eyes. It combines the advantages of touch-free TransPRK surface treatment with innovative SmartPulse technology. The result is a clear vision, with no side effects possible with other techniques.

PRK and LASIK are two types of laser eye surgeries but differ significantly in their initial step. In PRK, the surgeon removes the thin outer layer (epithelium) before using laser treatment to reshape it. With LASIK, however, an under-flap procedure creates an opening on which laser treatments can be administered from underneath.

Read also: PRK Vs. LASIK

As part of PRK surgery, numbing eye drops minimize discomfort during and immediately following the procedure. Some patients may still experience mild discomfort or a gritty sensation in their eyes for up to several days afterward as their epithelium heals – your surgeon may prescribe pain medications, while artificial tears could help manage any pain experienced.

Not necessarily. Some surgeons prefer performing PRK on one eye at a time and allowing it to heal before proceeding with another. Others may treat both eyes at once; ultimately, it all depends on your surgeon and individual circumstances.

Most PRK patients find their vision improves without needing glasses or contacts lens postoperatively. However, individual experiences may vary, and some may require glasses for specific activities or tasks, such as reading or driving safely at night.

PRK treatment aims to offer long-term vision correction. Most often, its effects are permanent; however, as with any vision correction procedure, age-related vision changes may arise, and some patients may require further vision correction.

Find an experienced, qualified ophthalmologist or refractive surgeon specializing in PRK and laser vision correction surgery, read reviews, and ask for recommendations; then book an initial consultation session to discuss your options and address any concerns.

Health insurance plans typically do not cover PRK surgery or elective laser vision correction procedures like LASIK because these elective or cosmetic treatments are usually considered elective rather than medically necessary.
However, some insurance plans may provide coverage for laser eye surgery under certain circumstances. For example, insurance might consider covering the procedure if your refractive error cannot be sufficiently corrected with glasses or contact lenses, harming your daily life or occupation.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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