Tips for Quick Septoplasty Recovery

Tips for Quick Septoplasty Recovery new

Septoplasty is surgery that helps correct nasal deformities by reshaping the nasal septum. The nasal septum is a wall that separates your two nostrils and supports your nose. 

If you have a deviated septum, it probably means it is not in its usual position and thus needs surgical correction. But how can you recover quickly after Septoplasty? In that article, we’ll discuss tips to boost the Septoplasty recovery process.

What Are The Causes Of A Deviated Septum?

While some people are born with the condition (as in clefts), other deviated septum cases are caused by injury to the nose — from car accidents or sports injuries.

The nasal septum is the firm but flexible wall that divides both sides of your nose. It should be perfectly centered or slightly off-center under normal circumstances — so slightly that you may not even notice it.

How Do You Know You Have A Deviated Septum?

Here are common symptoms you should look out for:

  • Sleeping difficulties — disrupted sleep and waking up often at night.
  • Blocked nostrils that don’t respond to treatment
  • Frequent sinus infections

If you have one or more of these symptoms, present them to your physician. Usually, you will be referred to an otolaryngologist — a specialist ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor.

9 Ways To Speed Up Your Septoplasty recovery process

The recovery time for a septoplasty is reasonably short, and the procedure is generally considered relatively safe. It’s so safe that most patients don’t need pain medication after surgery. 

However, there are some things you can do to speed up your recovery and get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Here are some tips for speeding up your recovery after a septoplasty:

1. Avoid pressure on the nose.

Try not to press down on your nose, and don’t rub it. That may be hard, but you must avoid putting pressure on your nose for at least one week after surgery. 

That means no picking at scabs or cleaning up dried blood or other foreign matter in your nostrils—let a doctor or nurse do that for you.

2. Position of your head: Lie at an Incline

That position is helpful because it reduces swelling, a common complication post-surgery. But, of course, the ideal way to achieve that is by using pillows to prop up your head so it’s higher than your body. 

That will help reduce any excess fluid in the nose and sinuses and will help prevent any bleeding that may occur during surgery or afterward.

3. Maintain a healthy diet


Eat soft foods that are easy on your nose and throat. You may not like eating much, but you must eat nutritious food to maintain strength and energy. 

Try eating soups, pureed foods, and soft pasta dishes. Avoid chewing on the left side of your mouth and biting into anything hard until the stitches are removed.

Drink plenty of water so that mucus does not become too thick in your nose and throat. That will also help thin out any blood developed following surgery.

Read More: Rhinoplasty Turkey What you need to Expect

4. Resting Your Eyes

Resting your eyes is very important during recovery from any eye surgery. The muscles around your eye are delicate and can be easily strained if you don’t give them time to rest and heal properly. 

Resting your eyes will help ensure you don’t experience any long-term side effects from the surgery. 

It’s best not to read or watch TV while recovering from that procedure, especially if you had something done on both sides of each eye (bilateral).

5. Avoid Getting Your Nose Wet

Avoid getting your nose wet. While that may seem obvious, it’s essential to realize that most of us are far more likely to get our noses wet than we think. 

When showering, bathing, and swimming, avoid getting water in your nose by keeping it out of the water stream (yes—that means not keeping your head below the surface). 

If you are in a pool or hot tub, consider bringing a towel to dry off before returning indoors.

For the first few days after septoplasty surgery, avoid getting into situations where excessive cold air might blow directly on your face by closing windows or doors before turning on any air conditioning units or heaters.

6. Avoid Strenuous Activities

Avoid Strenuous Activities

The most important thing you can do is rest. Avoid lifting heavy objects, especially during the first week of recovery. That includes luggage and grocery bags, which can be extremely painful to lift if you’re not careful.

Avoid contact sports like basketball or football—even gentle contact may cause pain that will delay your recovery.

It would help to avoid strenuous exercise such as running during that period. Instead, reduce your overall physical activity, so your body can focus on healing rather than maintaining a normal lifestyle.

7. Be Careful with Sneezing and Coughing

After Septoplasty, the procedure may slightly alter the new shape of your nasal cavity. That is why avoiding sneezing and coughing is essential until your doctor gives you the all-clear. 

If you have to sneeze or cough, do so gently with one nostril at a time—that will help prevent further damage to your nose.

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8. Balance antibiotics and life routine

Balance antibiotics and life routine

The first thing to remember is that you should take your antibiotics as prescribed. Please don’t take them longer than the specified time, and don’t start taking them until you feel better. 

You may feel better with just one or two days of medications, but you should be able to see your surgeon before taking any medication on your own. 

Generally, if you have an allergy to antibiotics or other drugs, do not take them unless directed by a medical professional.

9. Rest well

If you’re in school or work full time, consider requesting some time off to recover adequately without feeling pressured to rush back into work too quickly. 

If possible, try setting up a comfortable spot in front of the TV with plenty of blankets and pillows so you can lie down whenever necessary—you might even want to bring some snacks along for when hunger strikes!

Read Also: Rhinoplasty Recovery: 8 Tips to Boost Your Recover Time

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What are the risks that can occur during Septoplasty?

Many risks can occur during Septoplasty. These include:

  • Infection. 

That is the most common complication and affects around 50 percent of patients. The infection may occur in the nose, sinuses, or both places. 

If it occurs in your sinuses, you might have trouble breathing through one side of your nose because you’ll have to breathe through your mouth instead of through both sides at once

  • Bleeding

During septoplasty surgery, your surgeon will remove some bone inside your nose to increase airflow. 

Still, if too much bone is removed or there’s bleeding from another area (like a blood vessel), then there will be less space for airflow and more difficulty breathing through that side of your nose.

  • Numbness in the tip of your nose (dorsal hump).

Numbness in the tip of your nose

A small percentage of patients may experience numbness or tingling at the tip of their noses after surgery. If that occurs, it usually goes away within a few weeks after surgery. 

However, suppose it persists and causes problems with daily activities such as eating or drinking. 

In that case, treatment options include steroid injections into the affected area or revision surgery to remove the offending nerve tissue and restore sensation.

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What to expect after Septoplasty during the recovery?

After the procedure, the doctor will apply a splint to your nose, and they will wrap your head with gauze. 

A drainage tube will be inserted into one of your nostrils and remain in place for about a week. In addition, you will receive pain-relief medication.

The pain is usually bearable, but some patients experience nasal dryness, difficulty breathing through the affected nostril, and pain during swallowing. These symptoms typically subside after 2–3 days following the surgery.

You must sleep on your back for the first three weeks following the procedure. Therefore, you should avoid strenuous activity or bending over while recovering.

After three weeks, you may resume exercising and bending over, but avoiding contact sports for at least six weeks is recommended. 

That is because it takes about 4–6 months for your nose to heal completely after Septoplasty, and you must follow your doctor’s instructions throughout that period to achieve optimal results.

Read Also: Rhinoplasty on Ethnic Noses.

How Do You Know You Have a Deviated Septum?

Most people with a deviated septum experience nasal symptoms such as:

  1. Congestion
  2. Nasal obstruction (difficulty breathing through the nose)
  3. Rhinorrhea (runny nose) 

Allergies and sinusitis are the most common conditions that may cause these symptoms. You may have allergies if you have a stuffy or runny nose when exposed to things that don’t bother other people, such as dust, pollen, or pet dander. 

Sinusitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes lining your sinuses. It can occur because of bacteria or viruses that cause either acute (short-term) inflammation or chronic (long-term) inflammation of the sinuses. Symptoms include:

  • Pain in one or both sides of your face.
  • Tenderness around cheekbones.
  • Thick nasal drainage.
  • Swell around one side of your face.
  • Postnasal drip—a sensation that phlegm keeps returning to the throat after it flows through the mouth during swallowing.

Because many people with a deviated septum aren’t aware they have it until a doctor makes an assessment, there isn’t much information about how long recovery takes post-procedure in cases where surgery was performed due to that condition being diagnosed; after inspection.

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What Are the Causes of a Deviated Septum?

Causes of a Deviated Septum

A deviated septum is one of the most common nasal problems. It occurs when the cartilage that separates your nostrils becomes crooked, allowing air to escape through only one side of your nose instead of both.

That can cause various symptoms, including snoring and excessive mouth breathing.

Here are some causes:

  •  Congenital

Some people are born with a deviated septum because they inherited it from their parents.

  • Acquired

Trauma or infection may also cause a deviated septum to form later in life; that type of deviation often goes away on its own after some time has passed without treatment.

But you may need surgery if it’s very severe or persistent enough that you have difficulty breathing through one side of your nose.

Read Also: Reasons for a nose job.

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Where Can You Get the Best Septoplasty Done?

When the patient is searching for good Septorhinoplasty Surgeons in Turkey, you want to ensure they have the experience and the necessary expertise for the procedure. 

Reviewing their reviews is the best way to determine your doctor’s qualifications. If patients consistently report that their surgeon has an excellent bedside manner and a high skill level, you can feel confident in your choice.

In addition to taking note of previous patient evaluations, ensure that your prospective surgeon is as easy to communicate with during recovery. 

That may mean checking with friends or family who have had similar procedures to discover their experiences while recovering from surgery.

Why is Septoplasty necessary?

Imagine breathing through one nostril if you wonder why a deviated septum is a problem. That is because the air passing through the deviated part of your nasal septum will breathe against your nasal cavity. 

That irritates your nasal mucosa and can lead to congestion, sinusitis, and other problems.

In addition to improving airflow and reducing the snoring experienced by some patients with sleep apnea, Septoplasty can also help relieve allergies or asthma symptoms. 

In addition, an adequately aligned nose can improve appearance and function when breathing comfortably through both nostrils instead of just one side at a time, which happens when the septum deviates.

How does a patient prepare for Septoplasty?

patient prepare for Septoplasty

Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for your Septoplasty. The most important thing to remember is to avoid alcohol or tobacco products for at least 24 hours before surgery. 

These substances can increase bleeding and make your recovery more complex.

You may also be asked to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for several weeks before the procedure. 

If you take any of these medications for a chronic condition such as arthritis or high blood pressure, speak with your doctor before stopping them because they may need adjusting afterward.

Your doctor will probably recommend you stop eating solid foods and drinking liquids six hours before your procedure. Consider drinking fluids before that time so you are not dehydrated when the surgery begins.


Septoplasty is a safe and effective procedure that can significantly improve your life. While the recovery process might take some time, you can rest assured the procedure will be well worth it in the end! With our list of tips above and your doctor’s advice following your surgery, you should be able to recover from Septoplasty quickly. 

If you have any questions about Septoplasty or want to learn more about getting it done, contact us today to set up an appointment!

Why Choose Us?

Our healthcare services cut across hair transplants to special plastic surgery procedures. You will get a professional septoplasty done at a competitive rate with support from committed healthcare specialists.

How much would you like for 12 months of patient aftercare and incredible hotel and transportation packages? These and many more are in the offering at our state-of-the-art facilities. Book an appointment or consultation today.

We Look Forward to Giving You Expert Advice and Providing World-Class nasal surgery for Septoplasty!

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Samet Cagri Coskun 

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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