Medical Reasons for a Nose Job

Medical Reasons for a Nose Job new

A nose job, or Rhinoplasty, is often considered a cosmetic procedure designed to improve one’s appearance. However, various medical reasons for undergoing Rhinoplasty are crucial to understanding.

This article delves into the medical conditions and situations that may necessitate a nose job, emphasizing that the procedure is not solely for aesthetic purposes.

What Are The Medical Reasons For A Nose Job Surgery

there are so many medical reasons for rhinoplasty, and here are some of these reasons

Breathing Problems:

Rhinoplasty can address structural issues within the nasal passages that cause breathing difficulties, such as a deviated septum or nasal valve collapse. Correcting these issues can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life by making breathing easier.

Birth Defects:

Some individuals are born with nasal deformities, such as a cleft lip and palate or underdeveloped nasal structures. Rhinoplasty can help correct these congenital issues, enhancing both functionality and appearance.

Injury or Trauma

Accidents, sports injuries, or other types of trauma can lead to nasal fractures or disfigurement. A nose job can help repair the damage, restoring both the form and function of the nose.

Chronic Sinus Issues

Chronic sinusitis or recurrent sinus infections may be linked to structural abnormalities within the nasal passages. Rhinoplasty can help alleviate these issues by correcting the underlying problems and improving drainage.

Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where the airway becomes blocked during sleep, can sometimes be attributed to nasal obstructions. In such cases, Rhinoplasty can help open the airway and alleviate symptoms.

Post-Cancer Reconstruction

Patients with cancerous growths removed from their noses may require reconstructive surgery to restore both the appearance and function of their nasal structures.

How do you know if you need a nose job?

Whether you need a nose job depends on your specific concerns and goals. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if a nose job is right for you:

Medical Concerns

Rhinoplasty might be medically necessary if you experience breathing difficulties, chronic sinus issues, sleep apnea, or have injured your nose. Consult a medical professional to assess your condition and determine if a nose job is appropriate.

Aesthetic Goals

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and it impacts your self-confidence or quality of life, a nose job may be a suitable option. However, it is essential to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery.

Emotional Well-being

It is crucial to evaluate your emotional well-being before considering Rhinoplasty. Ensure that you are not seeking a nose job to please others or as a solution to unrelated emotional issues.


Most surgeons recommend waiting until the facial growth is complete before undergoing Rhinoplasty. That usually occurs around age 16 for girls and age 18 for boys. However, surgery may be performed earlier in cases of severe medical conditions.

Consultation with a Specialist

The best way to determine if you need a nose job is to consult a qualified plastic surgeon or an otolaryngologist (ENT specialist). They can assess your concerns, discuss your goals, and help you decide whether a nose job is right.

Remember that the decision to undergo any surgery, including a nose job, should be made carefully and with the guidance of a qualified medical professional.

Read Also: Best plastic surgeon for Rhinoplasty.

Best Surgeons in Turkey at affordable prices

Packages include medical fees, hospital accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Top Surgeons

Plastic surgeons are members of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). They are professors and have years of surgical experience.

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Our hospital is rated A- by the Turkish Ministry of Health and accredited by JCI, representing gold standards in hygiene and quality.

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HayatMed always strives to provide the best services at affordable prices; Our Clinic provides all-inclusive packages from operation to hotels and transportation at the best prices.

Types of nose surgery to breathe better

You can perform several types of nasal surgery to improve breathing. These procedures often focus on addressing structural issues within the nose. Some of the most common surgeries include:


Septoplasty v11

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct a deviated septum.

The septum is the thin cartilage and bone wall separating the two nostrils.

When the septum is deviated or displaced, it can cause various issues, including difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, frequent nosebleeds, and recurrent sinus infections.

Here, we discuss the key aspects of septoplasty.

AspectProcedureDurationRecoveryEffectivenessRisks andComplications
InformationSurgical correction of a deviated nasal septumApproximately 1 to 2 hours– Nasal congestion and swelling for a few weeks

Splints or nasal packing may be used temporarily

– Full recovery can take several weeks
Generally effective in improving nasal breathing

and reducing associated symptoms
– Bleeding during or after surgery– Infection
– Nasal septum perforation
– Recurrence of deviation
– Altered sense of smell
– Nasal obstruction
– Adverse reactions to anesthesia

Read Also: Bulbous tip ethnic rhinoplasty.

Turbinate Reduction:

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinate reduction, also known as turbinectomy or turbinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the nasal turbinates.

The nasal turbinates are small, bony structures covered in soft tissue and mucous membranes inside the nasal passages.

They help filter, warm, and humidify the air we breathe.

Enlarged turbinates, or turbinate hypertrophy, can obstruct airflow and lead to difficulty breathing, chronic nasal congestion, and sinus infections.

Turbinate reduction surgery can alleviate these symptoms by improving airflow through the nasal passages.

InformationSurgical reduction or removal of enlarged nasal turbinates
Typically around 30 minutes to 1 hour
Nasal congestion and discomfort for a few days
– Saline rinses and nasal sprays may be recommended
– Full recovery can take several weeks
Generally effective in reducing nasal congestion and
improving nasal airflow
– Bleeding during or after surgery
– Scarring or changes in the shape of the nose
– Loss of sense of smell (rare)
– Nasal dryness or crusting
– Empty nose syndrome (rare)

Nasal Valve Surgery: 

Nasal valve surgery is a procedure that aims to correct issues related to the nasal valve, a narrow region within the nasal passages that can obstruct airflow and cause difficulty breathing.

The nasal valve comprises the internal and external valves responsible for regulating the airflow through the nose.

Nasal valve collapse or dysfunction can significantly impact breathing, leading to nasal congestion, snoring, and sleep disturbances. Nasal valve surgery aims to reinforce and widen the nasal valve area, making breathing easier.

AspectProcedureDurationRecoveryEffectiveness Complications
InformationSurgical correction of nasal valve collapse or stenosisCan vary depending on the specific procedure and extent of the condition
Nasal congestion and swelling for a few weeks
– Nasal packing or splints may be used temporarily
– Full recovery can take several weeks
Generally effective in relieving chronic sinus symptoms
and improving sinus drainage
– Bleeding during or after surgery
– Damage to surrounding structures (rare)
– Cerebrospinal fluid leakage (rare)
– Changes in sense of smell or taste (rare)
– Scarring or changes in the shape of the nose
– Recurrence of sinus problems

Sinus Surgery:

Sinus Surgery

Sinus surgery, also known as functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS),

It is a minimally invasive procedure that aims to treat chronic sinusitis or recurrent sinus infections by clearing blocked sinus passages and improving sinus drainage.

This procedure is typically recommended when conservative treatments,

such as medications and lifestyle changes, have not provided relief.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations.

Read Also: Closed Rhinoplasty Cost

InformationSurgical intervention to treat chronic sinus conditionsCan vary depending on the specific procedure and extent of the condition
– Nasal congestion and swelling for a few weeks
– Nasal packing or splints may be used temporarily
– Full recovery can take several weeks
Generally effective in relieving chronic sinus symptoms
and improving sinus drainage
– Bleeding during or after surgery
– Damage to surrounding structures (rare)
– Cerebrospinal fluid leakage (rare)
– Changes in sense of smell or taste (rare)
– Scarring or changes in the shape of the nose
– Recurrence of sinus problems

Best Surgeons in Turkey at affordable prices

Packages include medical fees, hospital accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Facts About Nose Jobs

Rhinoplasty in Turkey usually does require hospitalization. However, the most asked question among patients sounds like this: is a nose job painful?

 Most patients rate the pain between zero and four out of ten. However, the doctors prescribe painkillers and antibiotics after nose job to ease the discomfort and protect the surgery from infections. 

A rhinoplasty can be performed after the nose completes its total growth. The nose job age in the UK has no upper limit if the patient is healthy. All surgeries have some risks of infection or bleeding,

but the risks of rhinoplasty emphasize below: 

  • Difficulties breathing even after the bandages are removed
  • Bleeding 
  • Numb nose 
  • Unsuccessful surgery, which results in an asymmetric nose
  • Scars, which may not pass overtime

Some patients are still looking for better results. They must wait at least one more year for a second surgery till the nose fully heals. However, the results will be excellent if you choose an experienced doctor.

How much does a nose job cost in Turkey? Rhinoplasty, in general, is an expensive surgery, mainly when a professional esthetician performs it. The average cost is around 5,000$, but this price does not include anesthesia, medications, operating room facilities, radiography, and other related expenses.

In Turkey, the average rhinoplasty cost is between 2.000 and 8.000 TL in professional esthetic hospitals performed by specialized doctors. Therefore, many people from Europe prefer to come to Turkey. 

Read also: Nose Revision Surgery cost

Contact Us Today

Lastly, if you need to know more about this procedure or have more questions about other procedures, we offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Samet Cagri Coskun

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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