Advanced Techniques in Neck Lift Surgery and Contouring

Neck Lift in Turkey new

A cosmetic procedure of neck rejuvenation helps both men and women look younger and more attractive. It tightens your skin, lessens aging signs around the neck, and boosts confidence.

What exactly does a neck lift do, and how can it help you? This guide will cover the basics of Neck Tightening and how to keep your results looking great.

What Is A neck lift procedure?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the neck by tightening muscles and removing excess skin and fat. It also smooths the chin and jawline and lessens the appearance of “double chins.”

Skilled surgeons perform surgery on the chin and near the sideburns to improve appearance. Each technique aims to give a more youthful look.

What Are The Benefits Of Chin Lift?

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The benefits of Neck Tightening include:

  1. Improved Contouring
  2. Reduced Wrinkling and Sagging
  3. Elimination of “Turkey Neck”
  4. Improved Self-Esteem and Confidence
  5. Long-Lasting Results
  6. You can combine it with other procedures.
  7. Enhanced Profile
  8. Can Improve Health Conditions

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Who Is A Good Candidate?

Are You Seeking to Improve Your Neck and Jawline with a Neck Lift? Ideal candidates include those with loose skin, excess fat deposits, or visible neck muscles, which make them appear older or heavier than they actually are.

Surgery should only be considered by individuals in good health who understand its limitations and how best to use it. Maintaining a stable weight is key as changing it could alter its outcome; having elastic skin allows for optimal results as it conforms well to surgical adjustments.

What Are The Different Types Of Neck Tightening?

Many types of Chin Lift exist, each with pros and cons:


Cervicoplasty is the most popular type of neck surgery. A neck lift, called cervicoplasty, includes cutting around the chin and jawline down the sides of the neck.

Surgeons make these incisions to tighten and lift the skin on the neck. Doctors commonly perform the procedure to improve the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles on the neck. Also called a Neck Tightening.

The surgeon lifts the skin on these areas to tighten them and remove excess fat deposits.

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Platysmaplasty tightens loose skin on the neck and jawline by extracting extra tissue and fat deposits, with surgeons performing this procedure through small cuts under or inside of the mouth. You can perform this procedure alone, or combine it with facelifts or nose jobs (nose surgery).

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Liposuction Of The Neck

Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical technique to remove unwanted fat deposits from various body parts. 

The method uses tubes called cannulas to inject hot salt water into the body to break down fat cells. Suction removes the cells through the tubes. 

Surgeons insert cannulas under local anesthesia through small cuts to remove fat from areas like armpits, thighs, or abdomen.

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How does neck lift surgery is done

Best Necklift surgeons in Turkey

Packages include medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Preparing for Neck Lift Surgery and Procedure Overview

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Meet with your surgeon to discuss your medical background, surgeries and medications. He or she may conduct a physical exam and suggest further blood testing, while taking photos of your neck for later comparison purposes.

The goal of this discussion is to help set clear goals and choose an approach, such as Cervicoplasty or Platysmaplasty, that best meets your needs and learn whether you will require general or local anesthesia for your surgery.

A neck lift involves extracting extra skin and fat deposits to rejuvenate the look of a patient’s neck. They will remain asleep throughout this procedure as their medical team provides general anesthesia so as to not feel any discomfort.

Your surgeon will offer guidance for managing any discomfort.

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Neck Tightening Complications

Like any surgery, the surgery may cause some complications, which may occur during or after the surgery. Such as:

  • Inflection.
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bleeding under the skin.
  • Visible scarring.
  • Swelling.
  • Nerve harm.
  • Blood clots, in rare cases.

Your surgeon will explain all the expected side effects during the consultation.

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Neck Lift Recovery Time?

Neck Lift Recovery Time new 2024

Recovery after Chin Lift surgery can often be fast and straightforward. The results are noticeable almost immediately, and most individuals return to work within days or a few days at most. Doctors usually remove stitches 2-3 weeks after the surgery.

Swelling and bruising may last up to four weeks after surgery, depending on its location, but will gradually improve with time. To reduce swelling and reduce bruising during this timeframe, sleep with your head raised during this period. This should help lessen any bruises that form as a result. To minimize further bruising or swelling during this period.

Follow your doctor’s advice and rest after surgery for two to four weeks; usually, you will feel better.

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Turkey Neck Surgery results

Neck lift surgery can significantly enhance the appearance of the neck and lower face. Results may include smoother neck muscles, a defined jawline, reduced sagging skin, and a younger appearance with refreshed features.

Individual results will depend on age, skin condition, and overall health status.

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neck lift surgery before and after

Best Necklift surgeons in Turkey

Packages include medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Neck lift cost

Neck lift cost new 2024

The cost of a neck lift can vary widely depending on several factors, such as 

  • the surgeon’s experience, 
  • geographic location, 
  • and the specifics of the procedure. 

The average surgeon’s fee for a neck lift was around $4,000 to $12,000.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

Neck lift Turkey price?

The national average cost of a neck lift in Turkey is €3200, and the mini neck lift cost is almost the same. Therefore, patients come from worldwide to enjoy affordable cosmetic surgery costs.

Read also: Turkey Neck Surgery Cost

Chin Lift Cost In The US

The average cost of a neck lift in the United States is $5,774. This price can vary based on where you have the procedure.

Several things influence the cost of neck lift surgery, such as:

  • The area of the country you’re in, as some places cost more than others.
  • Your surgeon’s experience, with more skilled surgeons often charging higher fees.

lower face and neck lift Cost In The UK

In the UK, neck lift costs vary significantly based on the type of surgery and the use of anesthesia.

Choosing a procedure with local anesthesia means you’re awake with less pain and recovery time compared to general anesthesia. It could cost around £10,000 and is much more expensive than a neck lift Istanbul cost.

The price also depends on the number of procedures performed simultaneously. Getting a facelift and neck lift together will likely cost more than having them separately.

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Why Should You Prefer HayatMed For A Neck Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Please remember that HayatMed has extensive experience in surgical operations and significant advantages.

At HayatMed, the price for neck lift surgery in Turkey includes all costs. These costs cover hospital fees, surgeon and anesthetist charges, and post-operative care.

Following the procedure, there will be no hidden costs, and we will provide you with all services at a one-time cost. The cost varies from one case to another, so please get in touch with us to get the exact cost.

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A neck lift is an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their sagging skin and boost self-confidence. Various methods, such as an open or closed approach and with or without a small cut, can be used. 

The important part is choosing an experienced professional who can lead you to the best option for your needs.

Neck Lift Surgery FAQs

Like any surgery, a neck lift comes with risks, such as infection or complications from anesthesia. However, when a qualified surgeon performs it, the procedure is generally safe. It’s important to discuss potential risks with your doctor.

Yes, you can get a neck lift without a facelift. This procedure specifically targets the neck area to improve its appearance without addressing the face.

Pain levels vary from person to person, but most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort. Doctors usually manage this with pain medication during the recovery period.

Many people find a neck lift worth it as it can significantly improve the appearance of the neck, making them look younger and more refreshed. Satisfaction often depends on personal goals and the surgeon’s expertise.

A deep neck lift is a more extensive version of the traditional neck lift. It targets deeper layers of muscle and fat to address issues like severe sagging and prominent neck bands, offering more dramatic results.

Yes, a neck lift can be done under local anesthesia, especially for less extensive procedures. This allows patients to remain awake but pain-free during surgery.

There’s no direct evidence that a neck lift can help with sleep apnea. Treatments for sleep apnea usually focus on keeping the airway open during sleep rather than cosmetic improvements.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Duran Çekiç

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