Liposuction in Turkey: Price, Reviews, Before & After

Liposuction in Turkey What to expect in 2024

Liposuction Turkey stands out as a top choice for those seeking to enhance their body contour. At Hayatmed Clinic, we provide high-quality Liposuction services in Turkey with advanced techniques for safe and effective results. 

Nestled in the heart of Istanbul, our clinic combines expert care with state-of-the-art technology.  Here, patients find a welcoming environment where their needs and desires for a better body shape come to life.

What is liposuction surgery?

What is liposuction surgery da 2024 f

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that eliminates excess fat from specific areas of the body. These areas include chin liposuctionneck liposuction, abdomen, hips, Leg Liposuction, calves, ankles, upper arms fat removal, breasts, and buttocks. 

This procedure is not a tool for losing weight. However, it is suitable for people with a stable weight and fails to eliminate excess fat cells.

Read also: Six-Pack Surgery

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery. Based on patients’ evaluations, we offer satisfactory results at an affordable cost. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

Liposuction in Turkey: a Comprehensive Guide

Many people in Turkey are getting Liposuction because they can’t lose weight or get rid of fat through exercise programs. Some people can’t stick to diets or exercise, so the only option is to have surgery to remove fat.

Turkey has created a highly prosperous industry in the world of plastic surgery in recent years. Both men and women like getting Liposuction in Turkey because it is an easy cosmetic surgery choice.

Read Also: Stomach Fat Removal

How Much Is Liposuction Cost in Turkey?

Turkey-New for liposuction article Liposuction Turkey

Knowing the cost of Liposuction in Turkey can be difficult before your first appointment. Prices depend on factors like treatment areas, technique, location, and surgeon experience.

For context:

Turkey provides excellent cosmetic results at a relatively lower cost. Liposuction costs roughly EUR2200 for one area, and additional procedures cost an extra EUR600 each. 

Many individuals from around the globe travel here for its quality procedures at cost-effective rates.

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What do the Liposuction Turkey Packages include?

liposuction-turkey-packages new 2024 Liposuction in Turkey

Here, at HayatMed Clinic, we provide a fully inclusive liposuction istanbul package.

This package includes all the services associated with the surgery, such as

  1. hospital charges,
  2. surgeon’s fees
  3. anesthetist’s fees,
  4. post-operative medications
  5. Aftercare policy.
  6. hotel 
  7. Transportation

With us, be sure that you are in the hands of medical experts who can achieve your desired results.

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Why should you choose liposuction Istanbul over liposuction Antalya?

Istanbul is the go-to city for liposuction, boasting elite medical centers and skilled surgeons. You get premium care and speedy healing with cutting-edge methods.

Plus, its rich culture and history make your visit worthwhile. With global accessibility, Istanbul surpasses Antalya by offering top medical care and an unforgettable experience.

Liposuction In Turkey Before and After

Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

What are the available types of liposuction in Turkey?

Below, we explore the different types of liposuction available in Turkey:

Calf Liposuction

Calf liposuction in Turkey enhances the lower legs by giving them a more sculpted look. It suits anyone looking to have calves that better fit their body’s shape—the Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €2800 for all-inclusive packages.

Chin Liposuction 

Chin liposuction in Turkey removes extra fat from under the chin and neck, giving a more defined jawline and side profile—the Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €2500 for all-inclusive packages.

360 Lipo Turkey

360 liposuction in Turkey can transform your midsection by targeting the abdomen, waist, back, and sometimes buttocks for a complete makeover. The price at HayatMed Clinic starts at €3050 for all-inclusive packages.

Back Liposuction in Turkey

This procedure eliminates fat from the upper, middle, or lower back, creating a smoother and more refined back—the Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €2700 for all-inclusive packages.

Leg Liposuction 

Leg liposuction in Turkey targets the thighs and calves, removing extra fat, enhancing natural shapes, and possibly minimizing cellulite—the Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €2700 for all-inclusive packages.

Related: Leg Lift Surgery

Belly Fat Removal in Turkey

Abdominal liposuction is popular for flattening and toning the belly by removing stubborn abdominal fat—the Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €2700 for all-inclusive packages.

Mega Liposuction

Mega liposuction in Turkey removes substantial amounts of fat, significantly altering the body’s contour. It is ideal for extensive weight loss and sculpting. The price at Hayatmed Clinic for Mega Lipo is the same as the Vaser Liposuction, and we don’t charge anything extra for the huge amount of fat that will be extracted.

Full Body Liposuction

Full-body liposuction in Turkey removes fat from areas such as the stomach, back, legs, arms, and chin. This procedure can provide a dramatic transformation at a reasonable cost. Skilled professionals offer this service at clinics in Turkey. The Price at HayatMed Clinic Starts from €36500 for all-inclusive packages.

How to choose the best Liposuction in Turkey

How to choose the best Liposuction in Turkey dsss

Here’s a guide to help you make an informed decision about the best Liposuction in Turkey:

  1. Verify Qualifications and Experience
  2. Read Reviews and Testimonials
  3. Visit the Clinic
  4. Consider All-Inclusive Packages
  5. Ask About Aftercare
  6. Evaluate Communication
  7. Compare Prices, but Don’t Compromise on Quality
  8. Check Accreditation

Related Post: How Much Does Chin Liposuction Cost

Liposuction In Turkey reviews

Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

When is Liposuction necessary?

When considering the necessity of Liposuction in Turkey procedure:

  1. Diet and exercise haven’t effectively reduced localized fat deposits.
  2. You desire improved body contouring or aesthetic enhancement.
  3. You’re in good overall health and a suitable candidate.
  4. Establish realistic expectations and goals.
  5. A qualified surgeon recommends it after a thorough evaluation.

Who are the right Candidates For fat removal surgery?

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The candidates for liposuction istanbul surgery are:

  1. Generally, adults are eligible.
  2. Suitable for those with stubborn fat.
  3. This surgery is not a weight loss solution.
  4. Ideal for body contouring.
  5. Candidates should be in good health.
  6. Realistic expectations are crucial.

HayatMed clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing lipo in Turkey. Based on patients’ evaluations, we offer satisfactory results and affordable costs. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

What are the expected side effects of Liposuction Surgery? 

Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is essential to understand the risks associated with this surgery.

There are common side effects among all surgeries, such as:

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia.

Besides the complications which are specific to Liposuction in Turkey, such as:

  • Acute bruising.
  • Inflammation.
  • Swelling of the treated area.
  • Numbness in the treated area.
  • The cannula causes damage to the layer under the skin.
  • Heart and kidney problems.
  • Fluid accumulation under the skin.
  • Variation in body contour because of uneven fat removal.

The side effects usually differ according to the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s experience. Therefore, choosing the best plastic surgeon is essential to achieving the desired result and avoiding unknown risks. 

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How do liposuction surgeries work?

How do liposuction surgeries work 2024 hg 2

Here are the key steps of For fat removal surgery:

  1. The surgeon gives anesthesia for comfort.
  2. They then cut a small opening.
  3. Insert a plastic tube, or “cannula,” to swap fluids.
  4. The surgeon moves this tube to break up the fat.
  5. They attach a suction device to the cannula to take out the fat.
  6. The whole process takes about 1 to 2 hours, based on how much fat there is.
  7. The patient can go home the same day.

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Liposuction Surgery step by step

Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

Turkey Liposuction Available Techniques?

Turkey Liposuction Available Techniques 202544

Your surgeon will pick the right liposuction method for you based on the area you want treated and your desired outcome.

  • Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a common method that uses a solution to make removing fat easier and reduce bleeding. The surgeon then uses tiny incisions to insert a Cannula, vacuuming out fat and fluid.

  • Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction in Turkey, or ultrasound-assisted liposuction, uses sound waves to break down fat cells, making them easier to remove. It is perfect for detailed sculpting.

  • Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction melts fat using a powerful laser and removes it through a small incision with a tube. This method is known for its precision and minimal invasiveness.

  • liposculpture Turkey

Liposculpture is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat, offering a slimmer and more sculpted body. This new method focuses on certain body parts, such as the stomach, arms, legs, and buttocks, to enhance muscle tone and shape. Traditional liposuction, on the other hand, focuses on larger areas. It is perfect for those looking to fine-tune their body’s shape for a more toned appearance.

Read Also: Neck Liposuction Price

How much is Liposuction in the USA and U.K.?

How much is Liposuction in the USA and U.K. 25555

Prices for liposuction vary widely, influenced by location, surgeon expertise, and procedure details.

In the USA, costs range from:

  • New York City: $4,000 to $8,000
  • Los Angeles: $3,000 to $7,000
  • Houston: $2,500 to $6,000
  • Miami: $2,500 to $6,000

In the U.K., prices are:

  • London: £3,000 to £6,000
  • Manchester: £2,500 to £5,000
  • Birmingham: £2,500 to £5,000
  • Glasgow: £2,500 to £4,500

HayatMed Clinic in Istanbul offers affordable, high-quality liposuction, receiving positive reviews for its services.

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What is the liposuction recovery time week by week?

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While you may notice some immediate differences, its full impact will only become evident over time.

Here is an outline of what you might expect:

  1. Week 1-2: Post-surgery, expect swelling and bruising—compression garments aid recovery.
  2. Weeks 4-6: There has been a significant reduction in swelling; areas appear slimmer, offering a clearer idea of the outcome.
  3. Weeks 7-12: Skin tightens, refining shape as the body adjusts, enhancing overall results.
  4. You will see the final result of the surgery in 3-6 months. The treated areas will become shaped and balanced, blending well with your body.

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How Painful Is Fat Removal Surgery Recovery?

The Recovery After Liposuction period ranges from three weeks to one or two months. However, the patient feels better within one to two weeks after the surgery and can return to work the second week after the operation. Still, the patient needs to avoid any swelling in the surgery area.

Does Liposuction in Turkey Leave Scars?

Liposuction side effectsAlthough Liposuction often leaves scarring, small incisions must be made to insert the cannula (a thin tube used to suction away fat).

Surgeons usually place these incisions discreetly to minimize visibility; their exact appearance depends on factors like skin type, surgeon technique, and aftercare requirements – however, many scars fade over time, becoming less obvious.

Can Liposuction cause loose skin?

Liposuction can cause loose skin if done on a lot of fat or in areas without elasticity. Here are some important things to think about:

  • Skin elasticity varies with age.
  • Removing a lot of fat may cause skin laxity.
  • The surgeon’s technique minimizes skin issues.
  • Post-op care matters for skin tightening.

Liposuction Turkey FAQs

Liposuction can permanently eliminate fat cells in targeted areas of the body and does not grow back; however, this does not stop any remaining fat cells from expanding with weight gain; for maximum results of your procedure to last and be sustainable over time a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise must be adopted in addition.

Like any surgery, fat removal surgery carries some risks. However, plastic surgery specialists explain that the formation of zigzags on the skin represents the greatest risks, pointing out that this surgery rarely causes infections or fatty clots.

Vaser Liposuction or Laser is usually performed using general anesthesia. So, you’ll sleep through the procedure. However, you will stay in the hospital for one night after the operation to avoid any side effects caused by general anesthesia.

Typically, the discomfort from Liposuction is most intense after the surgery. Then, it gradually decreases over the first week or two.
By around six to eight weeks, it usually disappears completely. Most patients don’t experience much or any discomfort at all.

When you book with Hayat Med Clinic, we’ll send a signed contract with all the agreed details. You will not pay any additional costs.

Liposuction in Turkey is safe if patients meet requirements and have an experienced surgeon in a suitable operating room.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Ali Cem OKTAY

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