Are Dental Implants Painful

Are Dental Implants Painful 2023

Dental implants replace a missing tooth, providing a sturdy prosthetic for a tooth that is permanently in place. They also anchor dental devices such as crowns, bridges, and denture bases.

However, there is no denying that dental implants can be painful if you aren’t accustomed to having something placed into the bone of your jaw.

Are Dental Implants Painful: Tips On How To Manage Pain After Implant

Are you having a missing or damaged tooth? Dental implantation is one of the recommended ways of replacing your missing teeth. This implant teeth surgery involves the gum incision and placing the implant on your jawbone using a screw. You may want to undergo this procedure, but wonder: are dental implants painful? Do I need anesthesia?

Maybe you are among the people who interpret surgery to mean pain. Certainly, no one can deny that surgeries hurt.

Tooth implant surgery is not exceptional. It comes with some discomfort. However, you’ll endure little pain during and after the implant process. Fortunately, it is easy to manage the pain.

How Painful is Dental Implant Surgery?

How Painful is Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is a very common procedure, but it can be quite painful. When it comes to the surgery and what you should expect, many factors will determine the level of pain you experience. The type of implant and prosthesis are essential factors to consider when considering how much pain you might expect after dental implant surgery.

The implant type will determine how painful the process will be for you. There are two types of implants: traditional implants and mini-implants. 

Traditional implants require a longer healing time than mini-implants, and Mini-implants require a small incision to be inserted into the jawbone, meaning they heal faster.

Mini-implants tend to cause less pain during and after the procedure than traditional implants because they’re made from materials that allow them to bond with your jawbone more easily than traditional ones. 

Because of their small size, they also don’t require drilling into your jawbone before being placed, making it easier for the patient to receive them during surgery.

Related: Dental Implant Turkey Cost 

Managing Pain During Dental Implant Surgery

As noted, this teeth replacement procedure involves an incision of an implant on the gum with the support of a screw that penetrates the jaw bone. Dentists doing this procedure will drill through your gum and jawbone to create space for inserting the screw.

As you can imagine, the drilling and screwing sound is painful. No one can stand the pain involved.

You are right. The procedure comes with huge pain. Luckily, it is manageable. For your information, the process can be pain-free. But how is that possible? There are several ways of doing it.

Local Anesthetic

A local anesthetic is a common approach to numbing areas where the surgical process occurs. The method is the same in the dental field. Before beginning the process, your dentist will give you a shot of a local anesthetic using a needle. You will feel pain as the needle pricks your gum within a few minutes.

The anesthetic numbness effect takes place immediately. So you won’t feel any pain as the drilling and screwing occur. However, there will be some push and pull from the drill vibrations, but they are painless. So, your dental implants will not be painful with the local anesthetic.

Read More: Best Dental Implants in Turkey


Sedation 1

You might be uneasy with the surgery process despite using a local anesthetic. Anxiety might overwhelm you and hinder the dentists from conducting the process effectively. This aspect is more common for aged persons. In such cases, dentists can prescribe oral sedation or use Nitrous oxide.

Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas as it has a relaxing impact on patients. The gas does not have any numbing effect. However, it eliminates anxiety and makes the dental implant procedure proceed without many challenges.   

Another way the dentist uses to reduce anxiety is by using oral sedation. Here, dentists prescribe some sedative pills depending on your anxiety level.

If your anxiety is overwhelming, you will get a moderate sedation dose. This dose does not keep you awake, but you won’t remember whether the tooth implant surgery is taking place.

On the other hand, low anxiety will call for a mild sedation dose. This does enhance your relaxation. Good to note is that the sedation has an immediate and long-lasting effect. So, when undergoing this process, consider bringing a relative or peer with you who can facilitate your travel back home.

Read Also: Cost of All-on-4 Dental Implants Turkey

Managing The tooth implant Pain After The Surgery

Like other surgery, dental implants require a healing process. As a result, you’ll experience some pain and discomfort days after this procedure. However, the pain is mild and does not affect your day-to-day affairs.

Nonetheless, pain levels and tolerance vary from one individual to another. Therefore, if your pain level is intolerable, you can use painkillers to manage it.

Some of the perfect over-the-counter prescriptions for this case include Tylenol and Ibuprofen. In addition, consider seeking your dentist’s advice in managing after-dental implant surgery pain.

Read Also: Veneers Vs. Implants: What’s The Difference?

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How Much Does Dental Implant Surgery Cost?

The cost of a tooth implant varies based on the number of teeth needing replacement, the type of implant, and the dentist’s fees.

A single-tooth implant costs between $2,400 and $3,000 if you have insurance or cover for dental procedures. 

If you don’t have insurance or coverage for dental procedures, that could cost up to $4,000 to $10 000 or more, depending on what type of implant you choose and whether it includes other services such as crowns or bridges.

Read also: Dental Implant Vs Dental Bridge

What is involved in tooth implant surgery?

The implant is placed in the jawbone during a surgical procedure, and then a post is fixed to the implant. Next, an abutment is attached to the post, forming the base for an artificial tooth or crown.

A titanium screw or cylinder about 2 millimeters during implant surgery is inserted into your jawbone using special tools and instruments. 

The top of the implant will protrude slightly above your gum line when finished.

Implant surgery usually takes 1 to 2 hours. It usually involves local anesthesia, but general anesthesia may be required depending on your health and other factors.

How long should discomfort and pain last following a procedure?

How long should discomfort and pain last following a procedure

Your discomfort and pain should lessen within 24 to 48 hours after surgery.

After dental implant surgery, your mouth may feel sore, tender, and swollen. The swelling may last several weeks or months, depending on the procedure.

The following tips can help relieve pain and discomfort:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medications as directed by your dentist or physician. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce discomfort.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times each day.
  • Eat soft foods for the first few days after surgery to prevent irritation and swelling in your mouth. After that, avoid spicy foods or anything hard to chew until your mouth heals completely.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and night.

Why Dental Implants Are Good for Your Health

tooth implants are not just a cosmetic solution but also a solution for a better quality of life. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Improved nutrition

Dental implants are metal, making them harder than your natural teeth. Because they are harder, they may be able to withstand more chewing pressure than your natural teeth. That can help improve your ability to eat a wider variety of foods, allowing you to enjoy more nutritious meals.

2. Reduced gum disease risk

Gum disease is caused by bacteria that live in your mouth and on your teeth, and these bacteria can cause inflammation in the gums and eventually lead to tooth loss if left untreated. 

Dental implants can reduce gum disease risk by replacing missing teeth, which may help prevent food from becoming trapped between teeth as it does with missing teeth. 

3. Reduced risk of tooth decay

When you have a tooth implant, there is less chance that food will become trapped between them and cause decay or cavities than if you had only one or two natural teeth remaining in each arch.

4. Improving your oral health

You might have suffered tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems before you lost your teeth. By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you can avoid these problems in the future.

5. Improved mental health

The absence of healthy teeth can impact your self-esteem and confidence levels and your ability to eat properly and communicate effectively through speech and facial expressions. 

Since tooth implants restore your smile and may also help improve your self-confidence.

Ways to Tell If You Are Living With An Infected Tooth

An infected tooth can be extremely painful, but knowing the difference between an infected tooth and a normal dental problem is essential. Here are the signs to consider:

1. Extreme sensitivity to hot, cold, sugary, or acidic foods

If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity to hot or cold foods, that could indicate an infection in your mouth. 

The same goes for sugary or acidic foods. If you have been eating these foods with no problem before and are now causing pain, it may be time to see a dentist.

2. Change in tooth color

An infected tooth will most likely change color on its surface due to the bacteria in your mouth spreading throughout it. That can happen quickly or over several days, depending on the severity of the infection.

In some cases, the gums surrounding an infected tooth may turn red or yellowish, indicating inflammation of the surrounding tissues. 

If your gums become swollen and inflamed, that could be another sign of infection in your mouth.

3. Bad breath

Bad breath is one of the most common signs of infection in your mouth, and it is also one of the easiest ways to recognize whether or not you have an infected tooth. 

Bad breath comes from bacteria growing on your tongue and between your teeth, where food particles get stuck and decompose, causing a foul smell when they come in contact with oxygen again after being trapped inside the mouth.

Related Post: full arch dental implants

Dental Implants in Turkey Before and After

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4. Swelling of face, jaw, gums, or surrounding lymph nodes

If your gums or jaw become swollen after eating or brushing your teeth, that could be a sign of an infected tooth. You may also notice swelling around your face and increased pain in your jaw and neck region.

5. Raised swelling around a tooth that may resemble a pimple

An abscessed or impacted tooth can cause a raised bump near a tooth. That bump will have a hard consistency and will not disappear easily over time. 

An abscessed tooth will also cause pain when chewing and make it difficult for you to open your mouth fully because of the severity of the infection.

6. The pain gets worse when you lie down.

That is a classic symptom of infections in the mouth. When you lie down, the infection can spread and cause more pain. 

The pain is often worse at night, so you must see your dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing that type of pain.

HayatMed Clinic for Cosmetic Surgeries and dental treatments, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery and dentists with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations.

7. Headache

A headache is another indication that something is wrong with your teeth. Infections can cause headaches because they affect the nerves in your jawbone and face. 

If you have been experiencing headaches for several days or weeks and haven’t found the reason, you must talk to your dentist about getting an X-ray to check for any signs of an infection or abscessed tooth.

Causes of throbbing pain after the dental implant procedure

tooth implant surgery can be a painful experience for the patient, especially if the procedure is performed on the lower jaw. 

The pain and discomfort experienced by patients following the surgery are usually due to one or more of the following reasons:

1. Improperly fitted implant

An improper fit or infection is the most common cause of pain after dental implants. Infections can travel through your bloodstream and reach other areas of your body, including your heart and brain. 

Avoid all types of infections, especially if you have immune system problems. Doctors typically use antiseptic solutions such as chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) or hydrogen peroxide to prevent infections during oral surgery procedures.

2. Incision Line Opening

The incision line is where your gums were cut open during surgery. It will likely be swollen and sensitive to touch for several days after the procedure, but it should gradually improve. 

However, if it’s still painful more than three days after surgery, contact your dentist immediately so they can check it out. 

Warning Signs of Dental Implant Problems

If you have dental implants, you should be aware of the signs that indicate they may need to be replaced or repaired:

1. Difficulty Chewing

One of the most common signs of a failing tooth implant is difficulty chewing. If the implant is loose or broken, it can make chewing difficult or even painful. The chewing problem will get worse over time unless it is fixed.

2. Gum Inflammation

If your gums are red and swollen around your dental implants, it could indicate something is wrong with them. If that happens, contact your dentist as soon as possible to determine if there’s a problem with your implant or if something else is causing the inflammation in your gums.

3. Pain In Your Jawbone or Face

Some people experience pain in their jawbone or face when tooth implants fail to heal properly after surgery. 

These symptoms typically occur within two weeks of getting their dental implants placed but can occur up to three months later if an infection occurs around the implant site during healing.

4. Gum recession

If you’re experiencing gum recession or bone loss around the implant, it may be because it is too long or too short for your mouth. 

It could also mean the bone is missing around the implant because of poor healing or bone grafting problems before the surgery.

5. Increased swelling

Swelling around your jaw can signify infection from bacteria entering through an open wound during surgery or from an infection caused by poor oral hygiene after surgery.


A dental implant can anchor replacement teeth and help keep natural teeth longer. They can function well and last long with good care and regular checkups. They are also a great option when insufficient enamel is left on the tooth to allow bonding.

Dental Implants Frequently Asked Question

You can go back to work after three days following your procedure. This is at a time in your recovery when you have fewer signs of surgery. Ideally, it would be best if you aimed to go back to work after 5 to 7 days following your procedure.

The required time to stay in Turkey for the procedure is usually seven days. On the first day, you meet our doctor for a consultation and blood test.
On the second day, you will be for the procedure, stay at the hospital for the third day, and on the sixth day will be for a control session made by our doctors.

No matter how many implants you choose, it is usually performed using local anesthesia. So, you’ll not sleep through the procedure. In addition, you will not stay in the clinic for any night after the operation.

Yes, teeth implants are safe. And it is rare to have any side effects after the procedure.

After the teeth implant procedure, your mouth will take time to recover. It’s common to experience some side effects during this recovery time,


  • Swelling of gums and face.
  • Bruises in gums and skin.
  • Pain in the treated area.
  • Mild bleeding.


If you decide to undergo dental implants in Turkey, the price will include the following:

  • The fee of the dentist
  • cost of the implants
  • post operation medications
  • cost of teeth removal if required
  • Transportation
  • Hotel accommodation


The answer, of course, is NO.

When you make a reservation with HayatMed Clinic, we will send a signed contract containing all the previously agreed-upon details. You will not pay any additional costs.


In most cases, the operation is done under local anesthesia. The process takes about two to four hours, and you do not need an escort to come with you to Turkey.
Our driver will pick you up at the hotel immediately after the operation. Ensure adequate rest after the operation and lie down as much as possible.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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