What Causes Double Chin?

What Causes Double Chin new jj

Double chin is one of women’s worst enemies, especially those whose appearance and cosmetic outcomes matter greatly. In the beauty sector, a double chin is considered aesthetic. Many women around the world confront this problem, no matter their weight.

Initially, it was believed then only fat people develop double chins after a while. However, many skinny people have inherited double chins from their parents or grandparents. So, if you have ever considered a double chin removal, you have reached the correct place

The leading causes of double chin

The leading causes of double chin

So, what is a double chin? A double chin is also known as submental fat. That is caused by an extra layer of fat, which develops beneath the chin and towards the neck area. Several factors affect the hormones in the body, resulting in a double chin. One of the most common factors is age.

The skin will lose its elasticity as the body ages, leading to the appearance of saggy skin or extra skin around your neck and under the chin. Diet and weight are also critical factors in forming a double chin. Genetics has its factors, as well.

Genes play an essential role in people developing a double chin. Posture and lack of sports activities weaken the muscles and tighten the chin’s skin. 

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what causes a double chin in a thin person

A double chin can form in slim individuals due to diverse factors. Aging reduces skin elasticity, while genetics affect fat distribution. Poor posture weakens neck and chin muscles, contributing to a double chin appearance. 

Even slight weight gain can lead to fat accumulating under the chin. These factors collectively cause a double chin, irrespective of overall body size. Seek personalized advice from healthcare professionals or Hayatmed Clinic specialists for guidance.

What foods cause a double chin

Eating too many high-calorie foods, like sugary snacks and processed items, can lead to weight gain and a double chin. 

Too much salt can cause water retention, making the chin area look fuller. To manage weight and reduce the chance of a double chin, focus on a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and choose healthier foods.

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Top Surgeons

Plastic surgeons are members of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). They have years of surgical experience.

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Our hospital is rated A+ by the Turkish Ministry of Health and accredited by JCI, representing gold standards in hygiene and quality.

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HayatMed always strives to provide the best services at affordable prices; HayatMed provides all-inclusive packages from operation to hotels and transportation at the best prices.

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Packages include medical fees, hospital accommodation, airport transfers, and personal hosts.

What is double chin surgery?

What is double chin surgery cdcd

If we consider skin aging, the neck is the first place that shows age. This is because fat is more likely to collect under the chin than in other body parts.

The extra fat and loose skin will affect their jaw and facial profile. Some treatments you make take into consideration, including a double chin laser for those who are massive fans of new laser treatments.

The laser is designed to tighten the skin, increase collagen, and strengthen the muscles around the affected area.

Some other methods include chin liposuction, Jaw Reduction Surgery, and neck lift. 

Type of double chin surgery

Many people prefer to start with a double chin laser treatment, but if the size of the double chin is advanced, the laser may not be beneficial. In this case,

the surgeon will recommend one of the following: 

Chin liposuction 

is a procedure that removes the extra fat under the chin through suction or a small open incision. 


 Another standard procedure combines both chin liposuction and small incisions under the chin. This procedure tightens the muscles and improves skin elasticity. 

Neck lift

Neck Lift Turkey is also called a lower rhytidectomy. It removes excess skin and tightens the muscles around the neck to offer a more contoured appearance of the face. It can also be done with Fat Transfer to the Cheeks.

All procedures can reduce the appearance of a double chin. However, if your skin isn’t very elastic and has a hairy appearance, you may not be a good candidate for liposuction or submentoplasty. 

HayatMed, located in Istanbul, is highly experienced in performing Neck Lift Surgery surgeries with satisfactory results, according to our patients’ evaluations. 

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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