Deep-Plane Facelift: An In-Depth and Comprehensive Guide to Rejuvenating Your Appearance

Deep-Plane Facelift 2023

As people get older, their skin sags and loses volume, causing wrinkles and less defined facial features. A deep-plane facelift tightens and adjusts the face’s deep layers, rejuvenating the appearance for years.

What Is A Deep-Plane Facelift Procedure?

A deep-plane facelift targets deeper facial structures for a more natural and longer-lasting outcome. This is in contrast to a mini facelift, which only lifts the skin. 

Ideal for people in their 40s and 50s showing aging signs but are not ready for a full Facelift Turkey.

Candidate For A Deep-Plane Rhytidectomy?

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Deep-plane rhytidectomy is perfect for those who want a natural and lasting facelift. Here’s who fits best:

  • Age vs. Signs of Aging: Ideal for 40 to 70-year-olds, but the focus is on how old your skin looks.
  • Skin Sagging: Best for those with lots of skin and tissue sagging around the cheeks, jaw, and neck.
  • Health: You need to be healthy, without conditions that could slow healing or up surgery risks.
  • Expectations: Know that this facelift makes you look fresher but doesn’t stop aging.
  • Non-smokers: Smoking can mess with recovery and up risks. Quitting is crucial.
  • Elastic Skin: Your skin should still be stretchy to fit well over any changes.
  • Strong Bones: Good bone structure means better support for changes and results.

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SMAS Vs. Deep Plane Facelift

Deep-plane facelifts and SMAS facelifts tackle facial aging. They aim to firm and lift facial muscles and tissues for a refreshed appearance.

Deep-Plane Facelift

  • Focuses on mid-face, jawline, and neck
  • Involves deeper tissue work
  • More durable and pronounced results

SMAS Facelift

  • Target the superficial layer of facial muscles
  • Less intensive with quicker recovery
  • Effects may not last as long as a deep-plane facelift.

Choosing the Right Procedure

  • Decisions based on personal goals, aging extent, and skin health
  • It is important to consider individual needs and expectations.

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Deep Plane Facelift Vs. Skin-Only Facelift

Deep plane and skin-only facelifts offer different approaches to enhancing facial and neck appearance.

Deep Plane Facelift

  • Targets muscles, fat, and connective tissue
  • Best for moderate to severe sagging in the mid-face and neck
  • Offers more durable outcomes
  • Improves more than just skin

Skin-Only Facelift

  • Ideal for minimal skin laxity
  • Smooths out fine lines and wrinkles
  • Less invasive, known as “mini facelift” or “weekend facelift”
  • Faster recovery, fewer scars
  • Great for minor improvements

Making the Right Choice

  • Decisions based on individual needs and goals
  • Consult a plastic surgeon for personalized advice
  • It helps choose the best procedure for you

Recovery TimeBest Age
Deep Plane Facelift2 to 3 weeks40’s to 60’sBruising, swelling, & bleeding
Skin-Only Facelift1 to 2 weeks30 to 40Unnatural lines in skin Bruising, swelling, & bleeding
SMAS Facelift3 to 8 weeks40’s to 60’sBruising, swelling, bleeding, & delayed wound healing
MACS Facelift3 to 4 weeksLate 30’s to 60’sBruising, swelling, scarring, & bleeding
Mini Facelift1 to 3 weeksLate 30’s to 40’sBruising, swelling, bleeding,and scarring
S-Lift3 to 5 daysLate 30’s to 60’sBruising, swelling, & bleeding

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Deep Plane Facelift Cost

Deep Plane Facelift Cost nbf

Many factors affect the cost, such as:

  • Surgeon’s experience and reputation
  • Clinic location and prestige
  • Anesthesia and operating facility fees
  • Complexity and duration of the procedure
  • Post-operative care and follow-up visits
  • Additional treatments combined with the facelift

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

Deep-Plane Facelift Price In The USA, UK & Turkey

  • In the US, a deep-plane facelift can cost between $15,000 and $30,000. The price varies based on the surgeon’s experience and location. Consider surgeon skills and reputation, as insurance typically does not cover this surgery.
  • In the UK, a deep-plane facelift can cost between £14,000 and £30,000, according to the London Facial Plastic Surgery website.
  • In Turkey, the cost is generally lower, ranging from $4,000 to $7,000 for a deep-plane facelift. However, overall facelift prices can vary from $3,500 to $9,000, depending on the specific case.

before and after

Best surgeons in Turkey

Packages include medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

Benefits Of A Deep-Plane Face Lift

Benefits Of A Deep-Plane Face Lift aas

A deep-plane facelift offers several advantages:

  • It achieves a natural, youthful look by adjusting deep facial tissues, with effects lasting many years.
  • The results are more permanent compared to temporary fixes like Botox or fillers.
  • Surgeons place incisions discreetly in the hairline and behind the ear to minimize scars.
  • It enhances facial contours, giving a refreshed and youthful appearance.
  • This procedure effectively corrects various aging signs, like sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines, offering a thorough rejuvenation.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

What are the deep-plane facelift complications?

Potential complications from a deep plane facelift:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Nerve injury, possibly causing facial muscle weakness or asymmetry
  • Skin necrosis, leading to healing issues
  • Scarring, though usually in less visible areas
  • Swelling and bruising, typically temporary
  • Dissatisfaction with aesthetic results, possibly requiring more surgery

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Deep plane facelift surgery steps

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Surgeons usually perform this surgery under general anesthesia and typically complete it in 3 to 4 hours. 

  • Surgeons make incisions along the hairline and around the ears.
  • Surgeons lift the skin to reach underlying tissues.
  • Tighten and reposition deep tissues, including the SMAS.
  • Surgeons may remove extra skin or fat to improve results.
  • The surgeon then places the skin back and closes the incisions.
  • An inpatient procedure involves a hospital stay for monitoring.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

How is Facelift surgery done?

Best surgeons in Turkey

Packages include medical fees, accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

What Is The Deep-Plane Facelift Recovery Looks Like

The recovery time after a procedure varies depending on different factors. These factors include the type of procedure, the patient’s health, and the individual’s healing ability.

  • Recovery usually takes a few weeks, with swelling, bruising, and discomfort.
  • The time to heal varies because of the surgery’s scope, patient health, and individual healing rates.
  • After surgery, rest and avoid hard tasks.
  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling.
  • The surgeon provides pain medication for discomfort.
  • Most people return to work and daily activities in 10 to 14 days.
  • Avoid heavy exercise for several weeks.
  • Final results appear after several months as swelling and bruising decrease and tissues heal.

Deep plane facelift recovery day by day

Deep plane facelift recovery day by day aaa

Here’s a quick guide on what to expect after a deep plane facelift:

  • Day 1: Surgery day brings swelling and bruising. Doctors bandage your face to help with swelling. Rest and keep your head elevated.
  • Days 2-3: Expect more swelling and some discomfort. Your doctor will provide pain relief. Continue to rest and avoid strain.
  • Days 4-7: Swelling decreases. You might feel tightness or numbness. Start light activities, but avoid anything strenuous. Doctor visits might happen to remove stitches and monitor healing.
  • Week 2: Noticeable reduction in swelling and bruising. You can slowly resume normal routines but skip heavy exercise. Some may use makeup to cover the remaining bruises and feel okay to go out.
  • By weeks 3-4, the bruising has mostly disappeared, and the swelling continues to decrease. The surgery’s results become clearer. Numbness and tightness lessen, but full sensation returning may take longer.

Deep-Plane Facelift Scar

For a deep-plane facelift, the surgeon makes cuts in hidden spots to keep scarring small and out of sight. 

They close these cuts with stitches that dissolve and might use glue or tape on the skin to help it heal better. Listen to the surgeon and allow yourself time to heal to reduce scars and get the best results. 

Many people feel that the younger look they achieve worth any worries about scars.

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How to choose the best deep plane facelift surgeons

For choosing a top deep-plane facelift surgeon, here’s a brief guide:

  • Search for surgeons with expertise in deep-plane facelifts.
  • Verify their certification in plastic surgery for high standards and ethics.
  • Look at before and after pictures to assess their work, especially on cases similar to yours.
  • Check reviews to understand the care quality and patient experiences.
  • Please discuss your expectations and questions in consultations to evaluate their communication and care approach.
  • Inquire about their specific facelift methods and why they use them to understand their level of expertise.
  • Make sure both the surgical team and the facility follow high safety and quality standards.
  • Learn about the aftercare process, including follow-up visits and support, for a smooth recovery.

Deep-Plane Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

A deep plane facelift offers long-lasting results. Most people enjoy the benefits for 10 to 15 years. The procedure targets deeper facial structures, which means the outcomes are more durable compared to less invasive facelifts.

The duration of a deep plane facelift surgery can vary, typically lasting between 3 to 6 hours. The exact time depends on the individual’s specific needs and the extent of the procedure.

Yes, a deep plane facelift is safe when performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Like any surgical procedure, it comes with risks, but these are minimized in the hands of a skilled surgeon.

Many patients find a deep-plane facelift worth the investment because of its significant and lasting improvements in facial aging. It effectively addresses sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and volume loss, offering a more youthful appearance.

A deep plane facelift can be better for those seeking comprehensive rejuvenation. It addresses aging at a deeper level, providing more natural and longer-lasting results compared to superficial techniques. The best approach, however, depends on individual aging patterns and goals.

Author picture

This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Duran Çekiç

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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