Elevating Your Look: Understanding Forehead Lift Surgery

Elevating Your Look Understanding Forehead Lift Surgery

Forehead lift surgery can refresh sunken or frown lines in the middle of your forehead. It’s also known as Forehead Lift, Forehead Lift Morph, Brow Lift, Brow Lift Morph, or Midface lift. Both men and women can benefit from this procedure. 

If you’re curious about it, you might wonder what it entails, who it’s for, and when it’s best to have it done. Keep reading for answers.

The best candidates for a forehead lift

The best candidates for a forehead lift

The best candidates for an Endoscopic Forehead Lift are:

  1. Deep wrinkles on the lower face from aging or genetics can be treated with a Forehead Lift Surgery, improving overall appearance by removing excess skin.
  2. Prominent cheekbones can age you, but an Endoscopic Forehead Lift can smooth the area below them without altering the bone structure.
  3. Sagging jowls, often a result of aging, can be fixed with Facelift in Turkey surgery, which removes excess fat and tightens skin for a younger look.
  4. Excess neck tissue can lead to a double chin or sagging skin. Facelift surgery addresses this, tightening loose skin and Lower Face And Neck Lift and rejuvenating chin. It can also rejuvenate under-eye bags caused by aging.

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How is the Endoscopic Forehead Lift procedure conducted?

The forehead lift is often done with local or general anesthesia, usually on an outpatient basis.

  1. Anesthesia: The doctor evaluates the patient’s medical history and administers anesthesia, sometimes using sedation for relaxation.
  2. Incisions: Small cuts are made along the hairline on both sides of the forehead, starting above each ear, extending through the eyebrows, and curving down above each eye socket. The skin is then pulled down and stitched. Alternatively, a single incision across the top of the head may be used.
  3. Closing: The doctor closes the incisions with stitches or staples, typically right after making them, unless other procedures like eyelid surgery are done simultaneously.
  4. Recovery: Patients may have bruising and swelling after the procedure, which usually improves within a few weeks. They can usually return to work and normal activities after a week but should avoid strenuous exercise for two weeks.

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How long does the Lateral Forehead Lift procedure take?

The surgery usually lasts about 45 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia, so you’ll be asleep and pain-free.

Afterward, you’ll rest in a recovery room until the anesthesia wears off. You might feel tired and sore for a few days, but your recovery should be relatively painless. Any bruising or swelling around your eyes should fade within a few weeks.

You can return to your normal activities whenever you feel ready, but avoid strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks after the surgery.

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Possible Complications of Forehead Lift Surgery

Possible Complications of Forehead Lift Surgery

Forehead lift surgery can lead to complications. The most common complication is wound infection, which can be treated with antibiotics or, in severe cases, minor surgery.

Other potential issues include:

  1. Hair Loss; Temporary hair loss can occur as a result of scalp tension, during surgery. It typically resolves within three months. Some options like hair plugs or tattoos can be considered to address this issue.
  2. Scarring; Incisions made during surgery may result in scars that fade over time. However, if the scars are noticeable, they can be covered up with makeup if desired.
  3. Bleeding; It is common to experience some bleeding after surgery. It usually stops within 1 or 2 days. If bleeding persists, it could indicate conditions such as blood pressure and should be monitored by a doctor.
  4. Sensation Loss; Numbness in the forehead might occur due to nerve or muscle damage during surgery. In some cases, this numbness improves over time. In some instances, it may become permanent.
  5. Infection; While rare there is a possibility of infection after surgery. If an infection occurs, it will require treatment and close monitoring by a doctor.
  6. Eyebrow Movement Issues; Changes in eyebrow movement can be temporary or permanent especially when a significant amount of skin is removed during surgery. Techniques such as massage or additional surgical procedures may help alleviate these issues.
  7. Eyelid Drooping; It is not uncommon, for eyelid drooping to occur after surgery which can affect vision or appearance. Once scar tissue has fully healed, correctional surgery may be necessary.

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Techniques for Lateral Forehead Lift

Techniques for Lateral Forehead Lift

There are three main types of Endoscopic Forehead Lift surgeries: classic lift, endoscopic lift, and limited incision.

  1. The classic lift is the most common and straightforward but may leave a visible incision in front of the ear and cause numbness or tingling afterward.
  2. An endoscopic lift involves using a camera through the nose to make internal changes, avoiding external cuts. It’s less invasive but more expensive due to specialized equipment.
  3. The limited incision, while not technically a cut, creates a small opening along the hairline, leaving no visible scars but carrying a slightly higher risk of infection and swelling.
  4. Patients often choose this option to avoid visible scars, especially if they’re younger, or prefer the more natural look it offers.

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Forehead Lift Cost in the UK, USA, Canada and Turkey

Forehead lift surgery costs vary by country. In the UK, it’s usually £5,000 to £8,000. In the USA, it can be $5,000 to over $14,500. Canada’s range is $5,000 to $13,900. 

But in Turkey, it’s often cheaper, starting at around 3000 euros, while the deep plane Facelift cost start from 3,600 euros. Despite Turkey’s lower prices, the quality of care and results can be just as good as or better than in other countries.

Does Insurance Cover Brow Lift/Forehead Lift?

Most health insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic procedures like a brow lift, so it’s a good idea to check with your provider.
Medicare might cover some cosmetic procedures, including a brow lift, but not all. Look at the National Institutes of Health’s list of covered procedures to find out if yours is included.
Private health insurance policies vary. Some cover plastic surgeries like a brow lift, while others don’t. Before you choose a policy, ask about deductibles and co-pays, as they can differ between companies.

Rules To Follow When You Go Home After Endoscopic Forehead Lift

Rules To Follow When You Go Home After Endoscopic Forehead Lift

After undergoing a forehead lift, it is important to follow guidelines for a smooth recovery. Here are some important tips to keep in mind;

  1. Take pain medication to manage any discomfort. Use painkillers as needed for a days. Be cautious about prolonged usage to avoid potential side effects such as nausea or constipation.
  2. Take care of your incisions on the forehead. Clean them gently with soap or an antiseptic solution, avoiding scrubbing. Afterward, pat them dry with a towel. Apply antibiotic ointment if advised by your doctor. Allow any scabs to heal naturally without picking at them.
  3. Stay alert for any complications that may arise. If you notice bleeding or drainage, it is crucial to contact your doctor. It is normal to experience numbness in the head or face, which typically improves over the course of weeks.

These guidelines will help ensure a comfortable recovery from your forehead lift procedure.


Part of the reason that forehead lifts are so popular is because they are safe and have a low risk of complications. However, as with any surgery, you need to know what the risks are before you jump into it. That way, you can make an informed decision if you and your doctor decide that this is the right option for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you will be asleep during the brow lift (forehead lift). You will be given general anesthesia. The procedure takes between two to three hours, and most patients go home the same day.

Your brow wrinkles due to two muscles: the corrugator supercilii and procerus.
The corrugator supercilii muscle runs vertically between your eyebrows, pulling the skin downward and causing vertical folds above the eyes, making you frown.
The procerus muscle is horizontal, starting above the root of your nose and attaching between and just above the eyebrows. When it contracts, it pulls down on the skin, creating wrinkles between the eyes.

A forehead lift is a surgical procedure. It’s not usually painful, but you might feel soreness, swelling, and bruising around the incision sites.
After the procedure, most patients have swelling that goes down over time. You might also have some bruising. Doctors give patients medicine to help with discomfort and swelling.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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