A Comprehensive Guide to Tip Plasty for a Refined Nasal Profile

Tip Plasty

The surgical procedures are extremely complex and specialized, and these kinds of procedures take a considerable amount of time, effort, and planning. In these cases, locating the best expert within your region could be difficult. You must contact Internet experts for these complex situations to receive the most effective services at affordable prices.

What is tip plasty?

What is tip plasty

Tip surgical plasty is an aesthetic procedure that changes the shape of the top of the nose. The procedure can be done to rectify a septum that is deviated to decrease the volume of the nose or to repair any injury.

The procedure can be done under local anesthesia at the office of your physician or performed as a day operation in an outpatient surgical center. The method of making the changes to the nose is determined by the procedure to be performed.

If you have a deviated septum, your doctor may perform a septoplasty during tip plasty. They cut open your septum and lift it before reweaving it back together. That helps straighten out any irregularities in your nasal airway, which helps eliminate snoring and other breathing problems caused by deviated septums.

Types for Tip Plasty

There are two main ways to perform a tip plasty:

Cartilage surgery

The most common tip enhancement procedure uses cartilage grafts to augment the nasal bridge. These grafts come from other areas of your body or donated cadaver tissue. Grafts are typically placed in a wedge-shaped pattern under the skin to build the bridge.

Cartilage can also be added to help support your new shape if you do not have enough left after other procedures, such as an osteotomy.

Alar reduction

Alar reduction is a procedure to reduce the size of the nostrils. The ala is the part of your nose that sticks out beyond your nostrils when you smile or laugh. If your ala is too big, they can make your face look wider than it is. Alar reduction surgery can be done with either an open or a closed nose job surgery. An open approach means that other tissues in your nose will be exposed during surgery; on the other hand, a closed approach means that only mucosa or tissue lining will be exposed during surgery.

Related: Open Vs. Closed Nose Surgery

What are the benefits of tip plasty?

The procedure has many benefits, including:

1. Improves the appearance of your nose

A prominent nose can make you look older than you are. Tip plasty improves the shape and size of the nose so that it is more in proportion with your other facial features. It also reduces the visible scars on the nasal tip and bridge if these are present.

2. Improves breathing

The septum lies in the middle of the nostrils. It splits the nostrils into two distinct passages to allow air in and out. It may become damaged over time as a result of injuries or chronic infections and can result in nasal obstruction or insufficient airflow to the nose on one side (breathing through one nostril). If this happens, then you might need septoplasty and rhinoplasty surgery in order to eliminate any defects as well as restore the normal flow of air to both nostrils.

3. Reduces snoring

If your nasal valve is misfiring, it could create difficulty breathing during the night due to not enough space for airflow through it freely, leading to snoring and sleep apnea when someone stops breathing in sleep. A tip plasty procedure could help alleviate this snoring issue by improving airflow through your nasal valve and increasing airflow through it.

4. It fixes the effects that aging has on the nose.

Some of the most common reasons for a tip rhinoplasty in Turkey are for patients who are unhappy with their noses due to aging and sun damage. A tip plasty can help restore volume so your new nose looks youthful again!

5. Fixes the deformities of the nose tip

The nose tip has many different shapes, but some can be corrected with that surgery. For example, a deviated septum on one side of your nose can create an asymmetrical shape on your nose tip. If that happens, ask your doctor about fixing that problem with an additional surgery called alar base reduction.

Read Also: Wide Nose Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Top Surgeons

Plastic surgeons are members of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). They are professors and have years of surgical experience.

Top Facilities

Our hospital is rated A- by the Turkish Ministry of Health and accredited by JCI, representing gold standards in hygiene and quality.

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HayatMed always strives to provide the best services at affordable prices; Our Clinic provides all-inclusive packages from operation to hotels and transportation at the best prices.

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tip plasty vs rhinoplasty

Tip plasty refines nasal tip, quicker recovery. Rhinoplasty transforms the entire nose, longer recovery. Both enhance aesthetics and choose based on goals.

Read Also: Asian Nose Job

1. tip plasty

  • Focus Area: Targets the tip of the nose.
  • Purpose: Primarily addresses issues with the nasal tip, such as asymmetry or drooping.
  • Procedure: Involves reshaping and refining the nasal tip without altering the entire nose structure.
  • Anesthesia: Often performed under local anesthesia.
  • Recovery: Generally quicker than classical rhinoplasty recovery, with less swelling and bruising.
  • Ideal Candidates: Individuals with specific concerns about the nasal tip rather than overall nose shape.

2. Rhinoplasty:

The Best Candidates for a Closed Rhinoplasty

  • Focus Area: Involves the entire nose structure, including the bridge, nostrils, and tip.
  • Purpose: Addresses a range of nasal issues, including size, shape, symmetry, and breathing difficulties.
  • Procedure: Comprehensive surgery that may involve reshaping bones and cartilage throughout the nose.
  • Anesthesia: Typically performed under general anesthesia.
  • Recovery: Longer recovery time compared to tip plasty, with the potential for more swelling and bruising.
  • Ideal Candidates: Those seeking overall nasal enhancement or correction of functional issues.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery with satisfactory results and affordable cost of rhinoplasty, according to patients’ evaluations. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

AspectTip PlastyRhinoplasty
Focus AreaTip of the noseEntire nose structure
PurposeTargeted tip refinementOverall nasal enhancement
ProcedureLimited to tip adjustmentsComprehensive nose surgery
AnesthesiaOften local anesthesiaTypically general anesthesia
RecoveryQuicker recovery, less swellingLonger recovery, more swelling
Ideal CandidatesSpecific tip concernsOverall nasal enhancement or functional correction

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Is tip plasty safe?

Yes, tip plasty is generally safe. However, there may be certain risks and complications which could arise during treatment.

Tipp plasty’s most frequent potential complication is keloid scars, raised and thickened areas of skin that extend beyond normal boundaries and become unsightly and uncomfortable. Keloids are more prevalent among darker-skinned people. A keloid scar from a nose job may occur if there has been prior surgery or trauma to your nose region, for instance, ear or mouth surgery or any trauma.

Other possible complications include:

1. Scarring

Scarring is one of the more frequent complications following tip plasty surgery. An incision site scar may form during surgery; however, after healing has been completed, this won’t be visible anymore. You can minimize its appearance by picking and gently rubbing it after surgery with your fingers; for further assistance regarding scar appearance, you should discuss options with your surgeon prior to surgery.

2. Bleeding

Bleeding is a normal side effect of surgical procedures and should be managed using pressure applied using gauze or cloth, although if bleeding continues beyond 10 minutes, consult your doctor immediately.

3. Numbness

Numbness can occur when nerves are damaged during surgery. That is more likely if you have had previous liposuction or injections in the area being treated with tip plasty. These procedures require cutting through nerves to remove fat from under the skin.

4. Skin cancer

If you have fair skin and spend long hours outside, skin cancer could be inevitable. Plastic surgery patients, in particular, are vulnerable to this risk of those exposed prior to or following procedures. Even without previous sunburns or freckles being an indicator, further increasing your risks – according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, patients should apply sunscreen before and after procedures to avoid further risks.

5. Chances of collapse

If you’re considering tip plasty, be aware that that procedure carries risks of collapse. And if the tip collapses, it may not look as natural as it did before surgery. Ensure your surgeon is experienced with that procedure to avoid complications during surgery.

6. Stretch marks

Stretch marks can occur when skin is stretched rapidly over time or when there’s too much tension in one area of the body. Stretch marks usually appear on the hips and thighs. However, they can also appear on the cheeks and around the mouth after lip augmentation. The best way to prevent stretch marks is to stay hydrated and consume plenty of protein daily.

7. Damage to deeper structure

Damage to deeper structure

The nose’s tip comprises three bones:

  • The septum separates two nostrils.
  • The lateral crura extends from each side of your nose.
  • The caudal septal angle (CSA) forms part of your septum.

A tip procedure can cause damage to any of these structures, resulting in an unnatural appearance or breathing problems. In addition, the tip of the nose is made up of cartilage, which means it’s not as strong as bone. As such, there are risks that the surgeon could damage that tissue during the procedure, and that could lead to permanent scarring or deformity.

8. Allergic reaction

The surgeon could use materials that you are sensitive to in the course of your procedure that could trigger an allergic reaction in certain patients, though it’s not uncommon. If you’re worried about this risk, talk with your physician prior to the procedure.

Read Also: What You Need To Know About Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery

tip plasty before and after

Best Surgeons in Turkey at affordable prices

Packages include medical fees, hospital accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

What after-surgery care precautions must I take after tip plasty?

After surgery, you need to take care of your nose. Here are a few tips on how to do so:

1. Do not pick or blow your nose.

You can avoid picking or blowing your nose for about ten days after tip surgery. You can use tissue paper instead of blowing into it. You can also use nasal drops to flush out mucus from your nostrils. Finally, you can gently clean the area around your nose with warm water and soap, preventing infection and further scarring of the skin grafts used in tip plasty.

2. Avoid strenuous activities

Avoiding strenuous activities for two to three weeks after tip plastic surgery helps heal faster. You should also avoid going under direct sunlight as that may cause swelling and pain due to exposure of skin pores to sunlight and sweat glands. However, wear protective clothing such as hats or sunglasses if you wish to go out in sunlight after tip surgery.

3. Take pain medications as directed.

You’ll likely be prescribed pain medication after surgery. Take the medication exactly as your surgeon or nurse practitioner directed, even if you feel fine. If you stop taking the medication before you’re supposed to, it could prolong your recovery time and increase your risk of complications.

4. Elevate your head when sleeping.

After surgery, it is essential to elevate your head when sleeping. You can use a pillow or rolled-up towel under the head of your bed or even place a wedge under the mattress to elevate it. That will help reduce swelling and prevent blood clots from forming.

How long does tip plasty take?

The process can last about 45 minutes, and afterward, patients will be taken back into recovery for approximately an hour before returning to their room. Your surgeon will give instructions for how to care for the nose’s tip and may encourage using nasal spray such as Afrin for several weeks post-surgery if possible; pain medications are sometimes provided if necessary, however. For those planning to wear makeup after having had tip rhinoplasty surgery, resting should take place for 12 weeks prior to beginning their regular makeup regimes.

Is tip plasty a painful procedure?

Most patients report no discomfort or pain after surgery. A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area before beginning, with medications administered as needed to induce drowsiness during the process. Most times, you’ll be able to return home shortly after, though adverse effects of anesthesia might require someone else to transport you home if required. You should be back engaging in normal activities within two to four days; however, strenuous exercises should be avoided for approximately six weeks in order to allow time for the healing of new ears.

Can nasal tip plasty and concha/nasal obstruction surgeries be performed together?

As with any complex process, surgical options for nasal obstruction and concha can be complex, and the procedure must be carefully considered before proceeding with it.

First and foremost, make sure you work with experienced surgeons capable of carrying out multiple procedures simultaneously. Furthermore, selecting an anesthetic suitable for you and alleviating pain rapidly are also paramount elements to consider when undertaking surgical treatments.

An experienced surgeon must perform both procedures in order to avoid complications.

Who can have a Tip plasty surgery procedure? 

That procedure can be used for several types of noses:

1. Thinning nasal tip

If you wish to have a thinner nasal tip, Tip plasty surgery is the best option. It is used to reshape the nasal tip by reducing its thickness and making it look better.

2. Lifting nasal tip

The lifting of the nasal tip can be done using that procedure. It helps change the angle at which your nose comes out from your face or make it look more prominent or less prominent as per your requirement.

3. Changing the angle at the nasal tip

The surgeon can change or straighten the angle between your nostrils and upper lip if one side is higher than the other.

4. Bringing nasal tip forward

If your nose has an upturned shape that makes you look younger than your age, Tipplasty could be right for you!


Anti-aging treatments are becoming more mainstream, yet many still view them as contrary to ideals of beauty. Finding an equilibrium between appreciating individual beauty and celebrating youth as a sign of health will be fascinating over the coming years, particularly as anti-aging therapies become mainstream and popularized.

Tip Plasty FAQs

Tip plasty recovery times vary; however, most individuals experience faster healing compared to rhinoplasty. Most individuals can expect visible improvements within several weeks; final results becoming evident over several months.

Tip plasty tends to be less costly than full rhinoplasty, though its costs depend on various factors including its extent, surgeon fees and location. Patients should consult with their plastic surgeon in order to receive accurate pricing tailored to their unique needs.

Tip plasty offers long-term results; however, as with any cosmetic procedure, the natural aging process and other factors may impact its appearance over time. Although considered permanent enhancement, individual experiences may differ.

Tip plasty involves the surgical reshaping and refining of the nasal tip. A surgeon may employ various techniques such as cartilage reshaping or removal to achieve their desired result. The procedure usually occurs under local anesthesia and recovery is generally faster compared to traditional rhinoplasty surgery.

Tip plasty incisions tend to be made internally for maximum cosmetic results and minimal scarring. External scarring should be minimal and any marks that remain should be inconspicuous; surgeons take special care in placing incisions strategically in order to achieve optimum cosmetic outcomes.

Under the care of an experienced surgeon, tip plasty should not negatively impact breathing; indeed, it may even improve it by correcting issues like nasal tip asymmetry or collapse.

Patients may experience some mild discomfort after tip plasty surgery, though most find the recovery process tolerable and pain medications are generally effective at managing it. Although individual levels of discomfort differ greatly between individuals, most report tolerable results from recovery procedures.

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Samet Cagri Coskun on 21.06.2023

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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