What You Need to Know About Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery

thumbnail_Revision rhinoplasty surgery

It’s no secret that noses are often the source of self-consciousness. Whether it be due to shape, size, or simply feeling self-conscious about our features, more and more people are seeking rhinoplasty surgery to make their noses more aesthetically pleasing.

But anyone considering rhinoplasty in Turkey needs to remember that it’s a serious medical procedure – and if something goes wrong, repairing the damage can require revision rhinoplasty surgery, which is used to fix issues that result from either the original rhinoplasty procedure or other types of facial trauma.

This guide will discuss what you need to know about revision rhinoplasty surgery. We’ll cover the types of revision rhinoplasty, what they entail, and who is a good candidate for this procedure. Read on for more details!

What Is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty, also known as Secondary Rhinoplasty, is a procedure to correct the shape of the nose or to improve any flaws from a previous rhinoplasty. 

It is typically more complicated and time-consuming than primary rhinoplasty and requires specialized experience to achieve optimal results. Revision rhinoplasty is often described as one of the most difficult surgeries in plastic surgery. It should only be performed by a skilled specialist.

This procedure can address various issues with a previous rhinoplasty, such as asymmetry, an over-rotated tip, under-projection of the bridge, nostril irregularities, or breathing problems.

Secondary rhinoplasty is a custom procedure that must be tailored to individual needs. The technique must be carefully planned according to each patient’s unique facial anatomy to achieve the desired results.

Read also: Ethnic Nose Surgery

When is a revision rhinoplasty needed?

While primary rhinoplasty surgery is designed to correct cosmetic or functional issues, your surgeon may need further adjustment. Revision rhinoplasty can help fix many problems that may arise, such as nasal obstruction or excess internal scarring.Best Revision Rhinoplasty Surgeon

In some cases, additional structural support may be requested to ensure your new nose’s best shape and functionality. Septal cartilage is often used for this purpose, as it can strengthen the bridge of your nose.

Aside from these considerations, secondary rhinoplasty may be advised if the original results are not quite up to par—for example, if the nose is too large or asymmetric. In such cases, tissue over- or under-resection may have occurred during the primary surgery, requiring further manipulation to get the desired results.

You must consult a highly experienced plastic surgeon before undergoing second rhinoplasty surgery to ensure it is the right procedure.

Read also: Medical Reasons For A Nose Job

Top Surgeons

Plastic surgeons are members of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). They have years of surgical experience.

Top Facilities

Our hospital is rated A- by the Turkish Ministry of Health and accredited by JCI, representing gold standards in hygiene and quality.

Affordable Prices

HayatMed always strives to provide the best services at affordable prices; Our Clinic provides all-inclusive packages from operation to hotels and transportation at the best prices.

Best Surgeons in Turkey at affordable prices

Packages include medical fees, hospital accommodation, airport transfers, and personal host.

How do you choose the best revision rhinoplasty surgeon?

Finding the appropriate revision rhinoplasty surgeon is key to achieving your desired results. Here are some factors you should keep in mind when making your decision:

  • Look for experience in revision rhinoplasty and inquire about the number of procedures performed annually.
  • Examine before-and-after photos to understand the surgeon’s aesthetic style and results.
  • Check patient reviews for additional insights but consider them as part of your decision-making process.
  • Effective communication and addressing concerns during a consultation are essential.
  • Ensure the surgeon has operating privileges at an accredited hospital.
  • Surgeons should have specialized knowledge of nasal structures and revision surgery techniques.
  • Transparency about risks and limitations is crucial.
  • Seek an individualized surgical plan tailored to your unique needs and facial features.

Read also: Finding The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon

How to prepare for secondary Rhinoplasty Surgery?

A few important steps should be taken before you pursue a revision rhinoplasty surgery.

  • Allow your nose to fully heal before considering revision rhinoplasty.
  • Choose an experienced revision rhinoplasty specialist and review their before and after photos.
  • Plan for a longer recovery period compared to primary rhinoplasty.
  • Ensure you have adequate time off from work or school if needed.
  • Create a comfortable resting space at home and limit activity until fully healed.

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How Is It Done?

Revision rhinoplasty is a complex surgery typically more challenging than main rhinoplasty. 

The steps involved in a nose job revision will depend on the issues that must be addressed.

However, generally, the procedure follows some steps.Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

  1. It is typically performed under general anesthesia. It means that you will be asleep during the procedure.
  2. First, your surgeon will make incisions in the same location as the previous surgery to minimize visible scarring. 
  3. Then, they will address any problem or deformities by removing or reshaping cartilage or bone. 
  4. In some cases, they may also use additional cartilage or other materials to reshape the nose as needed. 
  5. Also, they will reposition the nose as needed to obtain a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.
  6. The last step will be closing the incisions, placing a splint, and packing inside the nostrils to help maintain the nose’s new shape during rhinoplasty recovery.

Read Also: A Comprehensive Guide to Tip Plasty for a Refined Nasal Profile

What are the Risks and Complications associated with Revision Rhinoplasty?

Nose job revision is a specialized and complicated procedure. As with any surgery, risks and potential complications need to be considered.

There are some risks and complications related to the surgery, such as:

  1. Anesthesia Risks
  2. Bleeding
  3. Infection
  4. Poor wound healing or scarring
  5. Breathing difficulties
  6. Unsatisfactory aesthetic results:
  7. Revision Surgery:
  8. Numbness or altered sensations
  9. Skin Discoloration and Swelling
  10. Pain
  11. Cartilage Warping
  12. Septal perforation

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rhinoplasty surgery before and after

What To Expect After Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery

Recovery after secondary rhinoplasty can take longer than recovering from the first surgery. The recovery time can differ depending on the extent of the surgery. However, the swelling and bruising can take several days to subside.

During the first week after the surgery, you may experience some pain and discomfort, which pain medication prescribed by the surgeon can manage. Also, it is common to have swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose. No worries, they usually start to subside after the first week but can take several weeks to disappear completely.

You will have a cast placed on your nose to help keep the nose’s new shape during recovery, which will be removed one week after the surgery.

The nose will usually be extremely swollen for six months after the surgery and could last as long as one year. 90% of nasal swelling usually subsides about six months after the revision rhinoplasty surgery so one can expect results about that long out. The remaining 10% of swelling may last several months until fully resolved.

  • Revision rhinoplasty recovery tips

It’s recommended to take several days off of work and, if possible, a week to rest and recover and avoid doing some activities like :

  • Avoid strenuous activity for about two weeks after the surgery.
  • Avoid any activities that may cause an increase in blood pressure, like blowing your nose or bending over.
  • Avoid exposing your nose to direct sun rays for three months after the surgery. The nose skin is very sensitive and can be easily damaged by sunlight.

Remember that revision surgery is complex; follow the post-op instructions for postoperative care and be patient while the nose heals.

How much does revision rhinoplasty cost?

Nose job Revision costs can differ widely depending on various factors like :

  • The experience and reputation of the surgeon.
  • Clinic location.
  • The complexity of the procedure and extent of revision required. 

Secondary rhinoplasty usually costs more than primary for several reasons:

  1. Revision rhinoplasty is complex due to scar tissue and altered anatomy, resulting in longer surgeries and higher costs.
  2. Dealing with scar tissue requires specialized expertise, increasing complexity and costs.
  3. Experienced surgeons with additional training may charge more.
  4. Increased risks and complications may lead to additional treatments and higher costs.

How Much Does Revision Rhinoplasty Cost in Turkey?

Turkey has long been recognized for providing top-quality medical services, which include cosmetic surgeries. Turkey boasts highly trained plastic surgeons specializing in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty procedures, which have received international training, making Turkey an attractive option.Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost 

Furthermore, Turkey offers more affordable options for secondary rhinoplasty surgery than other countries.

The nose revision price in Turkey ranges between $4.000 to $7.000. In contrast, the revision rhinoplasty cost in the UK ranges from £6,000 to £11,000, and prices can range from $9,000 to $15,000 or more in the USA.

Before proceeding with the procedure, consulting with reputed facial plastic surgeons experienced in revision rhinoplasty is necessary to ensure optimal results. 

The revision rhinoplasty specialist will discuss all specifics about your case, including associated costs and potential insurance coverage options.

Read also: Rhinoplasty Cost Turkey

Can revision rhinoplasty be closed?

Indeed it is possible to perform closed revision rhinoplasty using surgery methods, where all the incisions are made inside the nose to minimize any scars, on the outside and reduce the recovery time. This approach is generally less invasive. Often leads to healing compared to open revision rhinoplasty, which requires external incisions beneath the nose. The choice between these approaches depends on the particular concerns being addressed and the recommendations provided by your surgeon.

Related: Open Vs. Closed Nose Surgery

Revision Rhinoplasty FAQs

Yes, healing from revision rhinoplasty typically takes longer than recovering from primary surgery due to its increased complexity, possible need for grafts, and residual scar tissue from the initial operation.
Initial recovery typically lasts several weeks; however, full healing and adaptation to your new nose shape may take up to one or more years, longer for revision rhinoplasty procedures. Your recovery timeline may differ depending on individual circumstances.

The exact rates can vary, but generally, it’s estimated that between 5% and 15% of rhinoplasty patients may seek a revision procedure. Factors such as the complexity of the initial surgery, the surgeon’s expertise, and the patient’s expectations can influence this rate.

Before opting for revision rhinoplasty surgery, at least a year should typically pass since initial rhinoplasty surgery to ensure full healing and all the initial procedure results can be seen clearly.

While major swelling often subsides within the first few weeks to months after revision rhinoplasty, minor swelling can persist, and it might take a year or more for the nose to fully settle into its new shape. Each individual’s healing timeline can vary.

Revision rhinoplasty carries some risks, like any surgery, including bleeding, infection, or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome.
It’s generally considered more complex than primary rhinoplasty due to changes from the first surgery, increasing potential complications.
However, it is usually safe when performed by an experienced, board-certified surgeon. It can improve both cosmetic and functional issues.

It’s generally recommended to wait at least one year after the initial rhinoplasty for complete healing and for the final results to manifest fully.
However, some cases may warrant earlier intervention. Always consult your surgeon for personalized advice.

Author picture

This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Samet Cagri Coskun

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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